Day wanted to roll his eyes.
An officer Day recognized was heaving in his face as if he’d run to the scene instead of driving.
“Once again, you guys were ten steps ahead.”
Day took long, steady breaths while God stood behind him, his posture relaxed but ever watchful, a quiet storm until his fury was unleashed.
They’d just wrapped up another high-speed chase and apprehension of another dangerous, armed suspect—on their own.
Their partnership, and what they could accomplish together, became more effortless with each passing month.
It was after 11:00 p.m., and Day was exhausted as God raced into the parking lot of the station.
“Where’s the fire, God?” Day yawned, holding tight to the oh-shit bar over his head.
“I’m ready to get this shitload of paperwork done so I can go home.”
“I hear ya.”
As Day and God approached the station’s bullpen, the buzz hit them immediately.
Word had already spread.
The humming of the low, murmured conversations and the harsh stench of old coffee was normal, butsomethingwas different tonight.
Several officers glanced their way and nodded in acknowledgment. The veteran cops, who’d been at this gig for years, watched them with respect and subtle approval.
They’d all seen God and Day make this walk before.
The duo pulled off impossible stunts with a level of smoothness and ease that boarded on unnatural. Their names were becoming synonymous with big busts, risky chases, and flawless takedowns. Two officers who were quickly rising to the top.
One of the younger officers fresh out of training, with a permanent shine in his blue eyes, jogged up to them.
“Damn, you guys are unstoppable.” He whipped out his cell phone and thrust it in God’s face. “You’re making the rest of us look bad. It’s all over the news. How the hell did you leap that far, Day?”
God knocked the kid’s arm out of the way and kept going.
“Okay, I’ll show you later, God, no problem, bad timing on my part. You’re probably ready to…” He trailed off as God turned the corner.
Day clapped the man on the shoulder, squinting at his name tag. “Send me that link, will ya, Markinson? I’ll show him later.”
“You got it.”
Day caught up to God at the same time Ronowski and his flunkies were leaving the break room.
“If it isn’t the fake Starsky and gay Hutch,” he blurted, laughing too loudly at his own joke.
God veered in Ronowski’s direction, but Day gripped his bicep.
“Don’t feed into that shit.”
Day shook his head at Ronowski as he flipped Day off while pointing at his dick and whispering, “You’ll never have this cock.”
“Ronowski, I’ll fuck the shit out of a tree stump before I stoop that low,” Day droned.
God barked a startled laugh, shutting it off as quickly as it’d begun.