“Hell, yes,” I whisper, nodding so dramatically, my glasses fall down my nose.
Briar laughs, pecks a kiss on my lips, pushes up my glasses, and grabs my hand. The ring fits perfectly, and it’s a thinner style, which is good because I have slender fingers. A thick millimeter ring would have looked silly on me.
“God, I love you so much.”
“Me too, but I need you to come with me. I have one surprise left.”
Keir smirks, leaning against the wall in the office Jameson used to occupy.
Briar sits next to me on the carpeted floor, cradling the orange and white fluffy guinea pig to her chest. The one I’ve got nuzzled to my cheek is tan and brown in more of a brindle pattern.
“These are Abyssinian guinea pigs,” Briar says. “They’re sisters and just shy of eight weeks old. The woman who sold them to me said they sleep at night like we do.”
I nod. “Well, they’re crepuscular. Basically, that means they’re most active at dawn and twilight, but they learn their owners’ patterns for things like what time to expect breakfast.”
“They’re so sweet. I held them both in a little carrier on the car ride over.” Briar bumps her shoulder against mine. “Easton is going to be so fucking pissed, but we’ve got another enclosure this same size in the SUV.” She shrugs. “He’ll get over it. I thought you might prefer to bring them home with us for a while. At least while they’re really little.”
“Yeah, I mean, unless traveling stresses them out.”
“We got hay, food, bedding, and a few toys the pet store recommended,” Keir says, coming over to squat down at our side. “But we’ll need to make a grocery run. The lady we bought them from gave us a list of fresh fruits and vegetables they should have regularly and others that are treats.”
“They need a solid source of Vitamin C,” I say, laughing when the little lady nibbles on my finger. “Their food is probably fortified with it, but fresh options are always good.”
Briar leans her head against my shoulder. “Are you happy?”
I really am. I had no idea life could be this good. “Yeah.”
Damn, I can’t wait to tell my grandparents they now have piggy great-grandchildren.
“Good. Now I need one of you to take this one while I go break the news to Easton.” She snorts. “Think of names while I’m being bent over his desk for the greater good.”
Keir scoops the squeaking guinea from her hands and laughs. “I’m sure your bottom will be nice and hot for our drive home.”
“Trust me, I’ve got this.” Briar pushes herself up and smiles. “Even if I don’t, it’s totally worth it.”
Chapter Thirty-Four
“Hey, handsome.” I flutter my eyelashes, waiting for Easton to scoot his chair back enough that I can climb into his lap.
He stretches back, a dangerous smile crossing his face. “What shadiness have you and Keir been up to this fine afternoon?”
I laugh.
The bond makes subterfuge practically impossible, but I don’t mind. Being able to feel their emotions is addictive.
My favorite part of the day is when I catch them randomly thinking of me, even if I’m not around. It’s reassuring never to have to wonder where I stand, because I just know.
My hand comes to rest on Easton’s shoulder, and I stretch to kiss him. He tangles his hand in my hair, growling into the sensual kiss. It’s inevitable when he takes over.
Easton needs to be in control, even more so than Keir, but it’s not like I mind. After a lifetime of always having to look out for myself, I can finally relax knowing that they’ve got me.
He almost manages to distract me with the kiss, but I slide a hand down into the pocket of my cardigan. Snagging the ring box, I tug it free as I pull back from the meeting of our mouths.
My chest heaves, and my eyes pop open to find him studying my face.
“I love you,” I whisper before I chicken out. “Every promise you’ve made to me, you’ve honored. When you tell me something, I believe you. I hope you know how much that means to me.”