Page 84 of Whatever It Takes

We’re each set to approach from different directions. I have no idea which is which, but if we’re coming into the alley—or whatever this street thing is—from the south, then Titus is coming in from the north. Our side of the alley is blocked by a sideways-parked SUV that four men climb out of to approach the middle meeting ground with Easton.

Keir and I stay behind the SUV, waiting for Easton’s signal to call us up. He keeps me close to the vehicle and lines my legs up to where I’m standing just in front of the wheel.

Bending close to my ear, he says, “This is all Easton’s attempt at a courting present.”

“Well, if I can get my baby book and my bear, it’ll be worth it,” I whisper back.

“I wish I would have known you like stuffies.” He smirks. “I’ll make sure I buy you a seal to go with your polar bear.”

“Polar bears eat seals,” I say, trying not to laugh.

“Blasphemy. When it comes to stuffed animals, there are no predator and prey divides. They’re all friends.” He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before his attention strays.

I turn just in time to catch one of the guys from Shadow Security coming around the back of the SUV.

“He’s asking for you,” he says in a deep timbre that makes me jolt. Okay, he’s not one of the guys who comes into the office regularly, but he’s a beast. He might be taller than Keir, and I’m super confused why he’s wearing sunglasses at night.

Keir offers an apologetic smile and grabs my shoulder. Luckily his jacket is so puffy that I can barely feel any pressure on my skin. My flats drag against the concrete as he pulls me around the SUV.

My heart stalls when I spot Titus.

He has Monroe at his side and several other enforcers I recognize.

No matter how hard I try to convince myself that Easton has everything under control, the smirk on Titus’s face sends my body into fight-or-flight mode.

Spinning away from Keir, I stumble on the broken concrete and nearly face-plant. Keir grabs me with a handful of his jacket, tugging me until I’m upright once more. He sends reassurance and comfort through the bond, but the only thing my brain can process is the sound of Titus’s laughter.

“And tell me, Easton, is she untouched?” Titus asks.

My jaw falls, and I don’t even know why. He’s always been a condescending dick. His meaning still makes my blood boil. Too bad we didn’t have enough time to put this off until I had more practice shooting.

“She’s physically in one piece. You’re beginning to annoy me, Titus.” Easton rolls his shoulders back. “I’d like to see my money now. My associates will bring her no closer until I see the cash.”

Keir turns me to face him and yanks on the tie around my wrist, tugging my arms up. It makes it look like he’s restraining me, and he is, but he also runs his fingers over my inner wrist.

His blue eyes are so expressive that, combined with his emotions in the bond, it’s clear he’s worried about me. He makes sure he’s mostly blocking me from view and tugs the tie from my hands.

I’m still frazzled, but my instincts no longer scream for me to run and hide. My fury over how cocky my brother is keeps me warm, despite the frigid temperature. It’s crazy how different our lives have been simply because he was born with a dick. My father let him run wild in between his training, while I was essentially a prisoner in my own home.

And my brother, much like Jameson, had the audacity to bring up my fucking virginity.

What the fuck is wrong with men in our society?

How would they like being forced to hold on to some invented concept while their future partners were free to do as they pleased?


Not to mention, I was forced onto suppressants for four fucking years. Those things are terrible for an omega’s health, and no one cared if I wanted to take them or not.

“Time is ticking,” Easton calls out. “You wanted proof I have Bianca. You’ve seen her.”

“It doesn’t matter, anyway. I found a buyer for her to help me recoup some of my losses tonight.” Titus cackles. “You hear that, B? You’ll be in pieces by the time Vincent is through with you. Get the man his money.”

My head swivels toward Easton and past him to where my brother and his men are. One of his men moves toward the back of the vehicle blocking their side of the alley and pops the trunk.

“You have to have a serious lack of intelligence to speak to my wife the way you just did,” Easton growls.

I gasp as my eyes widen.