Page 27 of Whatever It Takes

“And you couldn’t have pulled me aside and said that?” I ask, sounding defeated.

How did I miss what they so easily saw?

Probably because you latched on to the first opportunity that popped up, so you didn’t have to be alone anymore.


That’s a bad look for me.

My face heats as I remember that small piece of myself that told me not to dive into the deep end with no safety vest. I gave in, anyway, because I really wanted to make Jameson happy.

“I had no intention of keeping quiet for long, but that ludicrous plan was all Easton.” Keir stares at me, and it feels like he’s begging me to believe him.

“That will be all, Keir,” Easton grinds out. “Briar and I need a minute to speak privately.”

“Easton,” Keir growls, turning toward his boss.


It takes everything in me not to scramble out of my chair at the sound of Easton’s bark echoing around the room, and his command wasn’t even directed at me.

“Some fucking dinner…” Keir sighs, shoving his chair back and slowly exiting the room. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

I’m shocked to see him walk away, but I’ve heard the chatter around the office. Easton has some airtight contract that Keir can’t get out of, and East uses it to force Keir to do his bidding.

“You’re an asshole,” I say, jabbing a finger at Easton’s chest. “If that’s how you treat someone you supposedly like, I’m not sure I want to see how you treat your enemies.”

“Truthfully?” He quirks his eyebrow. “I have very few living enemies, but if you’d like examples, simply reference my interaction with Jameson earlier today.”

“You are a crazy person,” I whisper, falling back against my chair.


He reminds me a little too much of my father.

All powerful men think they’re infallible. They don’t give a fuck who they hurt as long as they get their way.

Easton growls. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not a threat to you.”

I blink repeatedly.

My mouth opens and closes, but no words come out.

Easton stares back, studying my face.

The silence is too much.

“You hired someone to seduce my boyfriend. I’ll look at you however I damn well please,” I snap, tilting my chin into the air.

And this is why I had to get good at covering bruises when I was younger. I never know when to keep my mouth shut.

“Steffanie was hired to be available and friendly. There were rules in place, and she didn’t break even one of them. Try directing your anger where it belongs?—”

“At you?” I snort. “That’s not a problem.”

“At your shitty ex-boyfriend,” he growls.

“Explain these rules to me,” I say, trying to de-escalate the anger that radiates off him in waves.