“I warned you.” Easton’s hand lands on the top of Jameson’s forearm, while the other pries Jameson’s hold free of my arm.
I’ve been mostly turned, since I was preparing to get away, and I stumble into my suitcases and fall into the wall once more.
My head bounces against the Sheetrock, and I work on getting myself vertical again instead of leaning.
A vicious snapping fills the air.
I wish I didn’t recognize that sound.
My childhood really fucked me up. I don’t have to see it to know what happened.
Someone just broke someone’s bone.
I spin around at the hysterical wail that comes out of Jameson.
He supports his visibly broken arm against his chest, using his free hand to brace his wrist. “You fucking psychopath!”
“I did promise to break your neck.” Easton’s head tilts. He looks so calm while Jameson’s chest is heaving, and his face is bright red as he quickly steps back at Easton’s threat. “Perhaps I should follow through.”
“I should call the cops,” Jameson snarls. “You’re not God. You can’t go around doing whatever the fuck you want.”
Oh, shit.
The police are going to show up and ask me for a statement.
As shitty as it sounds, I can’t be here when that happens. It’s just asking to be outed. They’ll look into me, and I have doubts my identity would hold up to that type of scrutiny.
“Are you truly that brave, Jameson?” Easton chuckles, and it’s a scary sound. “Everything in me says you’re not.”
I snag the duffel and take off toward the elevator. The suitcases are too heavy to make a quick escape with them in tow, so I’ll have to make do without them.
“Wherever you disappeared to today, make sure you show up there tomorrow,” Easton growls. “You’re fired. Consider yourself lucky that I can’t be bothered with the hassle of disposing of your lifeless corpse.”
The bag bounces against my thigh as I jab the button to call the elevator.
The doors immediately pop open, and I chuck myself inside, slamming theclose doorbutton.
Holy shit.
Chapter Eight
The elevator doors pop open, and Briar’s dark hair bounces as she peeks around, like she’s searching for something. I stay flat against the wall, expecting to see Easton guide her out, but the little omega bolts toward the front exit of the building.
East is nowhere to be found.
Shoving myself off the wall, I use my height advantage to catch up in only four long strides. Her entire body jolts as her head tilts to look up at me.
“Are you seriously running? I told you we would protect you,” I say, stepping out in front of her.
Her gaze darts around.
“You need to call a good lawyer for Easton. The police are probably on the way,” she whispers.