Page 91 of Whatever It Takes

She’s finally grown confident enough to talk shit all the time—not only when she’s angry—and I find it wildly enticing.

More accurately, I find everything about my wife to be alluring.

She stands in the doorway, crinkling the bag of treats she keeps in her desk.

I still have no idea how the office devolved into a guinea pig sanctuary. The majority of the beasts squeak and take off toward the promise of goodies, but one smaller one stays by my chair.

“Go, shoo.” I bend over, giving it an encouraging shove on the rump. It does not take off as anything with brain cells would. Instead, it turns into my hand, wiggling its butt. “Aren’t you supposed to be a herd animal? Follow your brethren.”

Briar cackles from the hallway.

“Fine, stay if you must, but see yourself to one of the litter boxes if the urge arises.” I sigh, wheeling my chair away.

I must be living in a fever dream. Still, I wouldn’t choose to wake up if that meant I dreamed my reality with Briar.

“We’re two down on the count,” Calder calls from somewhere in the office a few nights later.

“I’ve got Makenzie,” Keir replies. “Here, take her, and I’ll go searching.”

I frown at my lap.

This is unfortunate.

“Shush your squeaking and eat the damn apple,” I hiss, scooting my chair in.

Under no circumstances can they be allowed to know I cracked. I’ve spent an entire year refusing to touch the furry beasts.

It’s not my fault Matilda adopted me. I believe she senses an apex predator and trusts me to keep her safe.

I’ll have to sneak her into the enclosure while the others are searching, then claim they fucked up the count.

Jesus Christ.

All it took was one little omega, and I completely lost my edge.

Well, at least when it comes to telling my wife no.

In my professional life, I’m still every bit the ruthless asshole everyone knows me to be, and that won’t ever change.