And I don’t begrudge any of them happiness… Okay, maybe Easton, but that’s because he’s a royal dick.
This house is old enough that I hear the water running through the pipes, indicating someone turned on the shower.
Another few minutes pass before Briar shuffles out.
She’s in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, but her hair is only slightly wet at the ends, like she purposely avoided washing it. Not that I can blame her. It’s frigid in here. We’ve failed to provide her even basic necessities to ride out her heat.
Briar’s socked foot dances against the floor as she appraises me. “I think I broke them.” Her thumb points toward the hallway. “They were both snoring.”
I pat my chest, and she scrambles forward. My hands land on her ass, and she snuggles close. The soft cooing sound she releases signals to my system that I should be purring. It only takes a few seconds for my body to comply.
When I first got back from my walk, I angrily cleaned and sanitized to pass the time. I tug the blanket off the back of thecouch. It’s fresh out of the dryer and still warm in spots, which is nice, because the tiny space heater doesn’t do shit to keep the living room warm.
My nose twitches with her scent. Despite her shower, she smells heavily of both Calder and Easton, but that’s to be expected. It doesn’t stop my instincts from screaming that I should toss her down on the couch and ensure she smells like me again.
“I missed you,” she mumbles against my T-shirt.
“Me too, baby girl. Me fucking too.”
Briar stays glued to my purring chest, and I refuse to move. It would ruin a perfect moment in time. This house is actually beautiful, but it needs a fucking fireplace.
Or working heat.
Still, I allow Briar to soak up my warmth, and I swear the moment is more intimate than a good portion of the sex I’ve had in my life.
After a while, Briar’s stomach starts to growl.
That’s right.
She was busy with Easton. That means there’s food around here somewhere. Knowing Calder, it’s probably in the oven. Not that it’ll still be fresh. It’s been hours, but there is a microwave, so if push comes to shove, I’ll reheat it that way.
“As much as I don’t want to move, it’s time I make us something to eat. We have no idea how long you’ll be clear for or if another wave will hit.” I kiss the side of Briar’s head, and she lets out ahumphas she rises on her knees. Her hair falls away from her face, and the angry red claiming bite on her throat comes into view.
I would be pleasantly surprised if that was Calder’s bite, but I know damn well it’s Easton’s. I don’t even need to scent the bite to know. I can feel it in my fucking soul.
My hand wraps around her throat, and I tease my thumb over the marks.
Briar shivers, biting her thick lower lip.
“You’re good with this?” I ask, studying her face.
Those huge bluish-gray eyes of hers blink owlishly. “This is going to sound…” Her forehead wrinkles. “It’s going to sound insane, but I am. There’s a certain safety in having a bond. It’s something my father never offered my mother.” Her shoulders bounce. “My instincts are ecstatic. Me as a person, I’m coming to terms with it, and I’m not displeased. I guess you could call this cautiously optimistic?”
I don’t have the first clue what to say to that, so I wrap my hand in her hair and pull her closer for a hug.
Jesus Christ.
I’m going to take a swing or two at Easton before tonight is over.
Briar sits in my lap, facing me, as she eats from my hand like the adorable little thing she is. Her scent is still as enticing, even with hints of Easton mixed in.
Her fingers dig into my clavicles as I faintly pick up the sound of someone coming into the room.
“Did you enjoy your nap?” she asks, smiling brightly, but it’s not atme.
“It’s always been on my bucket list to wake up as Calder’s little spoon,” Easton says drolly.
“There’s food,” I grunt, being as cordial as I can manage.