Page 25 of Whatever It Takes

There are a variety of food options, and Briar still doesn’t reach for any of the plates lining the middle of the table.

She’s in the seat next to Calder, and while I appreciate being able to study her gorgeous face, I briefly consider forcing him to change seats with me. It’s awkward with no one speaking or eating.

My head tilts as I meet Briar’s eyes. “Would you like me to serve you?”

Calder snorts, reaching for a huge plate of spaghetti. There are also four steaks, all loaded onto one plate, a tray of lasagna, a bowl of salad, another with chicken Alfredo, and stuffed ziti with marinara.

Yes, fine.

I may have gone overboard when ordering, but I wanted her to have options.

“I’ve got it,” Keir says, stabbing a steak with his fork. He snags her plate and drops it on before beginning to cut it up for her.

My eyes narrow, but I’m supposed to be on my best behavior, so I refocus on the wide-eyed little omega to avoid stabbing my bodyguard. “Did you leave anything behind at Jameson’s penthouse that you would like to retrieve?”

Her head shakes. “I’ll be fine.”

That’s true. We can easily replace any of the clothing she abandoned.

“Perfect.” I nod, collecting the Alfredo before spooning some onto my plate. “Jameson knows not to return to the office. I’ll make an announcement that no one is to speak to you about him.”

I thought up that little gem earlier. It proves how aware I am of her emotions and that I’m willing to go out of my way to accommodate her needs.

Keir sighs.

Calder jabs his fork at me. “Just ban his name altogether. No one needs that kind of bad energy.”

“I can do that,” I agree. “Will you be ready to return to work tomorrow?”

Briar’s head shakes. “I appreciate you letting me stay here tonight, but I think I’ll just get a ride to the bus station tomorrow.”

My eyes narrow, and I take a deep, centering breath.

That is not fucking happening.

Chapter Eleven


“Absolutely not,” Easton says calmly. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve retained an assistant for more than two weeks? No. You will stay here. If the room Keir offered isn’t up to your standards?—”

“The room is fine. It’s not about that.” I exhale heavily, trying to breathe through the guilt. It’s time to be honest with them. I don’t deserve their kindness after my subterfuge. “I didn’t go into Shadow Security that day planning to be interviewed. I didn’t even know you were hiring.”

Calder twists in his seat until his knees bump mine. “Well, you’ve managed better than the last seven assistants East let go because they couldn’t stop crying every time he called their name. Two of those were alphas.”

“Yes, we all know Easton is impossible to work with,” Keir says as I frown.

“I’m awful.” Easton rolls his eyes. “Moving on. What brought you into the office, then?”

My heart thumps against my rib cage as I try to find the words to explain the situation.

Keir sets a full plate of food down in front of me, but no matter how good it looks or delicious it smells, my stomach still rolls.

“Do you want to maybe explain about Bianca Manzo?” Calder offers.

My jaw falls as I stare at Keir. “You told them?”

“I asked Calder to look into the name to see what we were up against.” Keir has the good sense to grimace, but I don’t know what I’m feeling.