There’s more to our sweet little Briar than meets the eye…a whole lot more.
As if I wasn’t infatuated enough.
You don’t grow up in the mafia without seeing things.
Possibly even participating.
There’s no reason that thought should make my cock rock-hard.
I have no problem offering Briar my complete protection. However, if she would like to partake in the occasional murder or torture session, I would fully support that course of action. Especially if it was to seek revenge on the remainder of her shitty family.
I don’t have much in common with her deceased, piece-of-shit father, but I do run my business based on loyalty, much in the same way the mob does. I don’t let anyone close enough to burn me without having a plethora of ammunition to bury in their back the second they think about turning on me.
That’s just good business.
I am interested to see how long it takes Briar to open up enough that she’s willing to ask for my assistance.
All she needs to do is say the word.
I’ll serve her Titus’s head on a silver platter if she asks.
As long as it counts as a courting gift.
I wouldn’t mind adding Jameson’s dick on a dessert tray.
I’ll save his head as a souvenir.
I’m sure the dead man walking is smart enough to understand that just because I didn’t murder him today, it doesnotmean he’ll be getting off free and clear for putting his hands on my future wife. If he’s smart, he’ll run while he has the chance. Not that I can’t track him down, but it would slightly increase his chances of survival.
What’s that saying?
Out of sight, out of mind.
Speaking of Jameson, I need to call Mike, my finance guy.
Steffanie’s job is complete, and I’ve generously decided to include her bonus, even if she doesn’t procure video of their tryst.
Briar missed it as she scurried away, but Steffanie came out with pepper spray, ready to assist my omega in getting away from Jameson. I’d already handled it, so she simply slipped back into her apartment, but I was pleased to see that she understood the situation she found herself in.
If something had happened to Briar, and Steffanie didn’t intercede… Well, the woman knows what would have happened to her.
I would have slit her throat without a second thought, then set Jameson up to take the fall. I’m sure his DNA would have been all over her, wrapping the entire situation up in a nice little bow.
No, I’ll never be agood guy. Not by anyone’s stretch of the imagination, but for Briar, I intend to be a damn loyal husband.
Calder is in the room he always stays in when he sleeps here. He’s working on clearing the feeds from Jameson’s building and piecing together the information Arden asked for.
Arden and his team are solid employees. Apparently, they have a new neighbor they’re interested in romantically who has some very loose tie to the Manzo family. It’s an indirect connection through a bookie who could pose a threat to the woman they’re smitten with.
I highly doubt she’s on Titus Manzo’s radarat all, but I’m thorough, and following up on that information costs me nothing in the grand scheme of things.
I’d also like to keep my executioners happy if at all possible, and that’s what Arden, Kase, and Lincoln do for Shadow Security. If I need a dangerous team neutralized, I send them in. Finding another team on our roster that’s capable of taking out the bookie causing their woman problems will take less than five minutes, and I do enjoy having additional favors I can hold over someone’s head.
Dinner should be here at any time, and the gate guards will bring it up.
I haven’t seen Briar in person since she disappeared with Keir earlier, but I have watched her sleep for the last few hours.
It’s not my fault he showed her to the guest room that has extensive surveillance. Since it’s close to Keir’s bedroom, it’s where I generally place guests I don’t trust.