“No.” Carter groans. “It’s too early to be awake.”

“The Tavikhi have been up for ages.” I chuckle. “I bet Talek and Cecily are already down in the training arena.”

“They better not be,” he says. “He told me yesterday they’d come get me before heading down there.”

I know I should better prepare him for people to be a disappointment, because I don’t want him hurt by learning the lesson the hard way. But I suppose that’s one of those life lessons a person has to learn for themself. Although Rojtar seems to think those kind of people don’t exist in the Tavikhi village. People who don’t break promises.

As though sensing where my thoughts have drifted and as if to prove me wrong about everyone, there’s a hard slap at the door and a youthful voice calls out, “Carter? Are you awake? It is Talek.”

My brother scrambles out from beneath his blankets and furs and throws open the door flap, exposing the Tavikhi child standing on the other side. Despite he and my brother being near the same age, Talek stands several inches taller than Carter.

“Give me just a second to change my clothes and then I’ll be ready,” he says.

The flap drops and he rushes around the tent. He chucks the dirty outfit onto his pallet, forgetting the fact that I’m right here. I keep my eyes closed until I feel like I’ve given him enough time to be decent. Carefully, I peek through one slit lid and open both fully. Carter’s hopping around on one foot tugging on his second shoe. He manages to get his foot in it and then rushes out the door without a goodbye.

I wait for several seconds, hoping he’ll remember and run back in, but at least a minute passes and he doesn’t. Trying not to be hurt, I get up from my own pallet, grab a change of clothes and my toiletries, and head for the river to bathe. The water is almost colder than I can stand, but I’ll suck it up if it means being clean.

On one of the first days I’d been here, London showed me where the females have privacy and how to signal I’m here and probably naked just in case any of the warriors wander this way. Once I reach the large nenuphar bush, I yank off a dirty sock and make sure it’s displayed in full view so there’s no mistaking its presence.

It’s either too early or everyone’s come and gone already, because the water’s empty.I lay my stuff on the ground and strip. With the berries that suds up like soap in hand, I step into river. A shudder runs down my spine and my nipples harden into tiny pebbles.


Rushing to be done, I scrub every inch of myself and save my hair for last. The second I’ve dunked my head enough times to make sure all the soap’s been rinsed out, I nearly run back onto land and wrap the animal hide around my shoulders. I stand there, shivering for several minutes, until I manage to get dressed and wrap my hair turban-style. The thought of heading into the forest to hunt again today isn’t an appealing one, but I need to do it.

Finally, I pick up my dirty clothes, including the sock I left on the bush, and make my way back to my tent to brush my hair and teeth. The village is alive with activity as I stride through it. The sound of sparring drifts up from the training arena on the other side and the scent of the fire is strong. Voices carry and hunters and warriors alike stride with purpose toward their destination.

Against my will, I search for a specific man—male. Every guy I see either has mating marks or isn’t the right build. I’m annoyed with myself for looking. It takes far too long, but I finally reach our tent. I eyeball the pile of dirty clothes on both Carter’s and my side and groan. Laundry is one of my least favorite tasks, because it’s never-ending, but I’m going to have to tackle it soon.

I add the bundle in my arms to the stack to worry about later, and stuff my trapping supplies in a pouch to toss over my shoulder. From where its propped against the wall, I snatch up the spear that’s still too heavy for me, but it’s all I have. Which reminds me of Rojtar saying he would get me a smaller one or teach me to use a bow and arrow if I wanted. Of course, now that we’re back at the village, he’ll probably never think of it again. I’m not sure why I’m disappointed. It’s just one more expectation of someone that doesn’t get met. After a lifetime of it, I should be used to it by now. Yet, somehow it bothers me more that it’s him.

“Why do you even care?”

Great, now I’m talking to myself.

Taking the same path I did yesterday, I make my way across the narrow field outside the village entrance and into the trees. I do my best to remember what Rojtar taught me to look for in regards to occupied dens. It isn’t long before I spot a nearly hidden burrow at the base of a massive tree. There’s a bit of overgrowth that camouflages the opening, but it’s definitely there.

Quietly as possible, I swing my pouch off my shoulder and bring out mysnare. Once I have it all set up, I lay out the bait and wait. To my surprise, barely any time passes before an alien rabbit thing emerges. I try not to feel guilty when my trap does its job.

The rest of the day passes the same way. By the time I’m ready to head back to the Tavikhi village, I’ve somehow managed to catch six of the critters. It’s the best hunting day I’ve had since landing on this godforsaken planet. A short distance away a branch snaps. I whirl around on the balls of my feet and grab my spear up from where I laid it on the ground next to me.

I scan my surroundings, searching for the source of the sound. The forest is eerily quiet. Shit. I should have been paying better attention. Blindly, I feel around for my kills until my fingertips brush against soft fur. I don’t turn my head as I fumble for the string holding the bundle together. A few seconds later I find it and lift. I hurry to my feet and take off in the direction of the village.

I’ve barely made it a few feet when Lewis steps out from behind a tree and blocks the path. I skid to an abrupt halt.

“I knew if I was patient enough, I’d run across you out here somewhere,” he says as he prowls forward. He glances around while I carefully back away. “Looks like your alien friend is nowhere to be found today.”

“He’s not too far away. We’re meeting in a couple minutes, in fact.” I’m surprised by how steady my voice is.

A evil grin appears on Lewis’ face as he continues to advance on me. “Oh, Abby. You’re not a very good liar, do you know that?”

“I’m not lying.” I take several more steps back, putting more distance between not only us, but me and the village as well.

He chuckles and it sends a shudder down my spine. “I’ve been tracking you for the last hour. You’re out here all alone and we both know it.”

I swallow down the fear and steel my spine. “What do you want, Lewis?”

“You know what I want.” He jumps forward and I scramble backwards, nearly losing my balance.