Who I’m not shocked to see is Zydon. Not with Remi here. I knew she’d come. I’m closest to Maeve, but Remi and I have the most in common, being from the upper tier, and shitty, rich parents who didn’t give a fuck about us. She’s the one who helped me see I’m not completely useless despite my upbringing. Although considering my only skill—and it’s barely even one at that—is making tolerable arrowheads, I’m not really sure I’m that useful either.

I’m thankful for the other Tavikhi who joined the group. Not just because they rescued me, but because it means they’re still alive. My heart aches that some of the villagers were killed. While I tend to stick close to my friends or hang out in the forge, every Tavikhi I’ve encountered has treated me with respect, as if I’m one of them. It’s been nice to be part of something like a large, extended family.

I glance at Kyler again and scan his torso and arms. Yep, they’re still there. I really need to get Remi alone for a second and talk to her. I’m so distracted by his mating marks, I miss whatever it is I trip over. Bracing myself for a world of hurt, I wait for the agony. Except it never comes.

A heavy weight lies around my waist and brings me upright until I’m steady on my feet. I glance down to find Kyler’s tail wrapped around me. My gaze jerks up to meet his. He’s so close. The marks on his skin darken a shade, which I’ve only ever seen happen on a newly mated male. Unbidden, I reach out and touch the swirling line running along his bicep. He sucks in a breath and his muscles twitch. He yanks his tail away from me and to my shock, I miss it.

I snatch my hand back and shuffle as quickly forward as my weakened body will let me. “Sorry.”

“It is I who should apologize. I only meant to keep you from falling. It was not my intention to touch you without your consent,” Kyler says stiffly already having caught up with me.

Okay. Something’s not right here. I may not know the healer well, but I’ve been around him enough times in the nearly five months we’ve been on this planet to know he’s a good guy. Confident. Kind. Friendly. He’s never acted like this. At least not that I’ve ever seen. I dart a quick glance around. No one appears to be paying us any attention. They’re all focused on the forest around us. No doubt checking for danger. So, here goes nothing.

“Have I done something to offend you?”

Kyler’s head snaps in my direction and his eyes widen. “Not at allkee—Zara.”

Holy shit on a stick. Had he just been about to call mekeeshla? That’s the word all the Tavikhi warriors use to refer to their fated mate. My mouth drops open. “Jesus H. Youdohave mating marks.”

Fuck me. Is this who Amelia meant when she said ‘he’s coming’?

The healer’s brow bones shift downward in the inner corners and he glances at his arms. “Can you not see them well?”

I step over a large root spread across the ground. Admitting to Kyler I thought I was hallucinating them makes me sound like an idiot. “Yeah, I see them fine,” I mumble.

He opens his mouth, but snaps it shut. A weird and uncomfortable silence lingers. I let it remain as I keep walking, but the fatigue and weariness I’ve been trying to push away isgrowing stronger. We’ve barely gone anywhere, but I’m not sure how much farther I’m going to be able to go. As though sensing I’m at my limit, Kyler slows and then stops.

“We need to rest,” he announces.

Kala glances behind us. “We have barely even traveled the length of your village. We must keep moving.”

Kyler’s expression hardens. “I said we are resting.”

I lay my hand on his arm and a shock stings my finger. “It’s okay. I can keep going.”

He shakes his head. “No, you cannot. It is my job as the healer and as…your mate to take care of you. It is obvious you are struggling, and I will not have you injured more than you already are. We will make camp here until you have recovered your energy.”

A funny little zing goes through my chest at hearing him call me his mate. Everyone murmurs to themselves, but to my surprise, no one argues again. Instead, they all move about the area and form a watchful perimeter around Kyler and me.

“Come, sit.” He takes my arm and guides me to a large tree stump nearby. I try to ignore the tingling sensation rippling through my veins.Once seated, he removes something from the small satchel around his hips. “Eat. Slowly, though.”

I take some dried meat from his hand and don’t question what it is—at this point, I’ll eat just about anything. Taking small bites, because I’m smart enough to know I might make myself sick otherwise, I nibble away at the piece of jerky. It’s a little gamey, but the smoky flavor mostly covers it up. Once I’ve eaten morethan half of it, Kyler passes me a vessel of water. A smidgen of guilt looms.

“Sorry. I drank almost all of it.” I pass the nearly empty container back.

“Do not concern yourself.” He waves away my apology. “We have more than enough.”

I’ll take his word for it. My stomach feels full, but it’s still no doubt bruised and aches a bit. The pain in my arm is returning already as well. I’m such a pussy. “Do you have any more pain reliever?”

Kyler goes on high alert. “What hurts?”

Everything. But that’s not really what he’s asking. “My arm’s aching again. Just something to take the edge off.”

He reaches into his satchel and brings out a small leather pouch. I watch as he pours a small amount of a powder into the water and hands it over. Trying not to gag on the bitter taste, I take a few small drinks before I stop myself. My gut is water-logged. “Thanks.”

While we continue resting, I finish off the remainder of the jerky. I’m nowhere near one hundred percent—hell, I doubt I’m at fifty—but I know how important it is we keep going. I’ve sensed the unease and impatience of the warriors. Even Remi’s paced restlessly. I glance at Kyler. There’s no way I want him to think I’m useless. Other than the single time he called me his mate, he hasn’t brought it up again. He probably regrets getting saddled with me for the remainder of his life.

I mean, what do I have to bring to the relationship? I can’t cook. I can’t sew. Christ, I can barely fold a fur. What kind of mate amI going to be? A terrible kind, that’s what. I should be trying to impress Kyler. Except I have zero skills. Which means, the least I can do is not be a baby.