“If we do this, a lot of innocent people will be hurt. Humans are going to go after them with torches and pitchforks.”
“The human race is going to have to figure out their issues on their own and the shifters have all faced human hunters, it won’t be the first time for them. I will not sacrifice those I love to save a race that would sooner burn me at the stake then offer a hand of peace.”
“Not the entire human race. There are plenty of humans who would hide you, build underground railroads, hide you in their attic, whatever it took. They would risk life and limb for you,” I say. “Humans have just as much ability to be compassionate beyond reason as much as they do to be horrible beyond reason. I imagine the fae, shifters, every sentient creature has that ability.”
Raphael glances at me, but he turns away just as quickly. It’s like he’s unable to look me in the eye, like he’s afraid of what he’ll see.
“You don’t want me to send this virus out.”
Raphael sighs and lifts a gun and points it at me. “No, I don’t, but you have to. I have to get this done or Grey is going to do so much damage. The dragons are fighting a losing battle. He’s too powerful. He’s had decades to plan his revenge and his hostile takeover. He’s not going to lose. Help me with this and then I can take you to the fae realm. You’ll be safe there.”
I stare at the black barrel of the gun aimed at me and then slowly process his words. “The fae realm?” Even though Kash mentioned something similar, I can’t really wrap my head around another realm existing, especially one that could take me away from Kash forever.
“The fae aren’t from Earth. We’re from a different realm. There are doorways to our realm, but only the fae or those with a password of sorts are able to crossover. Your heartstone would allow you to cross over.”
“Okay, I need a minute.” I stare into the monitor in front of me, but all I see is black, nothing on the screen itself.
Another realm? Why is he pointing a gun at me? Why would a fae need a gun to subdue a human?
“You understand that I’m not afraid to die. If you think I’m going to do something to possibly hurt the dragons or anyone else who doesn’t deserve it, you’re wrong. I understand you’re afraid to sacrifice someone you love, but I’m not willing to sacrifice anyone at all.” I turn and stare down my ex. “Grey is a terrorist and he needs to be stopped. I know what he’s doing to the dragons. You think there’s going to be room at the table for you?”
“No, of course not. Grey has big plans for genocide and keeping the humans around like cattle.”
“Sounds like a bad-guy-evil plan,” I reply. “I never understand why bad guys are always trying to end the world. I mean, people are pretty easy to pick off. People disappear by the hundreds of thousands every year. Women are trafficked and never heard from again. Why is Grey going to such extremes?”
“He was in prison for over a century. He held a grudge against the dragon family who held him and then decided to eradicate all dragons and shifters alike plus anyone who gets in his way.”
“You’re a thousand years old?” I ask.
He nods. “I am.”
“Did you ever hear of Obsidian Dragons?”
“Yes, why?”
“Do you know anything about them?”
“They were slaughtered. I was visiting this realm when I was quite young. Shifters and humans were at peace with each other at the time.”
“Then how come the world just rediscovered that shifters exist?” I ask.
“Witches erased the knowledge and any writings on them so that they would be as protected as possible when the humans decided they were their enemy. Humans still find out and sometimes still hunt them. Since dragons have been revealed, Grey has also made sure that the rest of the shifters are revealed as well. They’ve made quite a mess of it all.”
“Is that why the US government isn’t coming to our rescue?”
Raphael chuckles again. “This is a UN sanctioned action.”
“The United Nations.”
“Yes, the world is scared of the shifters and creatures they know nothing about.”
“Not all of them. I wasn’t scared. I was intrigued. I was wondering how true it was. The government told us that aliens existed not so long ago and there’s been no proof of that. They’ve been here for a long time. My best friend was a dragon and has done nothing but be amazing and protect me. Even more than I realized he did.”
“You’re better than most humans, if not all of them, Athena.”
I roll my eyes. “Please, there are plenty of good humans on this planet.”
“You haven’t seen the worst of humanity.”