A blonde woman wearing hardly anything strolled toward them. Henrik immediately tensed up. This wasn’t going to be good.
“Hello, honey. I was sent to give you a drink.” She dropped down into Q’s lap without an invitation.
“Uh…I’m not really thirsty, but I appreciate it.”
The blonde blinked at him like she didn’t understand.
“Goldilocks, if he’s going to be drinking from anyone tonight, it’ll be me,” Henrik growled. “You can take a hike.”
The woman pouted, but got off Q. “The hot ones are always gay.” She sauntered away.
Q let out a breath of relief. “Thanks. That was…super awkward and weird.”
“We’re going to need to make sure it’s clear you don’t need blood when you’re here. Our cover is going to get blown way too quickly otherwise.” Henrik eased back in his seat. “Syrena texted. She said Letty’s stats are good. She’ll let us know if something changes.”
Q nodded and then turned back to watch the crowd.
Henrik took the time to pull out his phone and check for messages again. Nothing from Quinn. She was supposed to tell him when she was safe.
Henrik: How did your thing go tonight?
He waited impatiently. He didn’t want to be sitting at the vampire club waiting around like they needed to be seen. He wanted to be with Quinn, getting to know her. Even just to be in the same space as her.
After a few minutes, his phone dinged again.
Quinn: I’m still in the middle of it, but it’s going well. I’m all right. Nothing to be worried about. How about you?
Henrik: Bored. Wish I was with you.
Quinn: Why?
Henrik bristled at the question. He knew he had no right to be so pissy about their situation. They didn’t know each other. And though he had a lot of feelings when he was around her, he had no proof she was his mate.
Henrik: I like you.
Quinn: What do you know about me?
Henrik: Are you looking for reasons to push me away? Or do you want to get to know me to see if there is more to our chemistry?
He knocked back the rest of his drink while he waited for her to answer. Q was staring down at his phone. Henrik had to laugh. When did he get so humanized? His face down in his phone. He glanced around. Most of the people in the club were focused on the half-naked to naked women, not their devices. The crowd had grown rowdier. Henrik didn’t want to stick around too much longer. This sort of thing was never his scene, and somehow, he doubted it was Q’s scene either.
“You about ready to head out?” Henrik asked.
Q glanced up from his phone. “Definitely.”
Henrik stood and together they headed for the exit. Henrik kept his eyes peeled to see if they were being watched. He knew they were, whether anyone would think that their behavior was weird or not had yet to be seen. He would hope for the best.
He didn’t need to be involved in the business for very long. He just needed to raise enough hell that it would bring Grey out. He was going to take their whole vampire overlord world down to the ground and then Grey would get what he had coming to him.
Once they hit the cold night air, Q glanced up at him. “I guess I’ll be seeing you soon.”
“You will.”
“If something happens with Letty, you’ll let me know.”
“Oh yeah, I should probably get your real phone number so we can talk off the Bossman’s phone.”
Q’s eyes widened. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”