Page 43 of Dragon's Honor

She managed to grab a jar of glowing orbs and she secured them in her arm like a football.

Finley moved through the debris of crates and nearly got squashed as Wade’s back foot crushed the tower right next to her. She shrieked and scrambled backward into the office. Crap. She was trapped now. She shuffled in and slammed the door trying to figure out her next move. The witch advanced toward her.

Great, just great.

She opened the jar of orbs and looked down into them. She hoped they were highly volatile, but could she could touch one or not? She didn’t particularly want to explode or tune into a toad. There was no way to know what they would do. Maybe they were nothing but LEDs and party favors. She glanced around the office wondering if there was something she could use like gloves or tongs.


She set the jar down and delicately put her hand into the wide mouth of the jar. She gently touched her finger against it, half-waiting to have the room explode with her in it. The white orb she touched was warm to the touch but did not explode on contact.

Yay for still being alive.

What the hell was she doing?

She lifted the giant jawbreaker sized orb out of the jar and gripped it in her hand like a baseball.

She opened the door and threw it like she used to pitch fast-pitch softball. Tabitha’s dark eyes widened, and she dove out of the way as the orb came at her. The ball of light hit the crate next to her and everything flashed bright white and exploded in white fire. Finley slammed the door shut and ducked behind it. The windows of the office exploded.

As the world grew darker again, Finley stood up and grabbed two more orbs, leaving the open container on the desk. She headed back out into the main room of the warehouse where there were now two dragons fighting.

The second dragon matched the color of her bracelet. The muted green scales reminded her of a spring day, his underbelly faded into a dark pinkish-purple. He shimmered too, but differently than Wade. He was beautiful. Kristoff was unconscious and bloody.

“You stupid human,” the witch growled. She was buried under debris from the orb explosion.

Finley ignored her, though she was tempted to shove one of her orbs down Tabitha’s throat like a tribute toJawbreaker—until the witch’s head exploded.

“Ash,” she cried.

The green dragon turned and looked at her. She held up the orb and his black eyes widened. He shifted right before her eyes back into Ash. He was naked now. Finley didn’t have time to ogle him, much to her dismay. He charged toward her as Wade tromped after him, hindered by his size. Clearly, Wade had no desire to go toe to toe with him as men.

Ash hauled her into his arms.

“Throw it when I say to,” he growled.

“Wade, don’t be stupid, she has a fireball,” Tabitha yelled.

Finley watched over Ash’s shoulder as they ran away, and Wade skidded to a stop.

“Now,” Ash ordered.

Finley threw the ball and it hurled toward Wade and the witch.

She wrapped herself around Ash and ducked her face into his neck trusting him to get them the hell out of there. They breached the outside just as the light blared inside the warehouse.

Everything went bright just before it went black.



The second Finley went slack against him, he pulled her around, so he was cradling her in his arms. She was bleeding. Spikes of glass were embedded in her skin. His heart jackknifed in his chest.


His brother jogged up to him, his eyes widened when he caught sight of Finley. He yanked his phone out of his pocket.

“Gavin, we need help.”