Page 16 of Stealing Sloane

“I thought you left with Devon and Charley.”

“Oh?” He flashed her a lopsided grin, then leaned against the post. “Why would I do that? Did I say I was leaving?”

Popping the top of the can open, she took a swig. “Stay. Go. Doesn’t matter to me.”

“Uh-huh. Danger’s not over yet, you know. We’re assigning at least two more guards to stay here until we deal with Forte.”

“Good. Because Ronan doesn’t play fair, and he’s not above using a nice old couple to get what he wants.”

“Our agents are the best, and they’ll make sure nothing happens to Reverend and Mrs. Lennon. Plus, they’ll be safe with you around.”

“Me? What—hold on now.” She shot to her feet and marched over to him. “If you think I’m going to stay here and do nothing while Ronan is still out there breathing, then you’ve seriously got some brain damage. Are you sure that kick to the face didn’t crack your head or something?”

“It’s the safest place for you, Sloane.” The edge in his voice made her shiver. “Besides, you promised Stella you wouldn’t try to go after Forte yourself.”

“I promised her I wouldn’t do anything stupid.”Like hesitate once I get the chance. The belladonna was still safely in her bag, ready to be used. “And by the way, I wasn’t born yesterday. Don’t use Stella’s parents as an excuse to keep me here under guard.”

“That wasn’t?—”

She put a hand up. “Don’t treat me like I’m a child.”

A muscle in his jaw ticked. “You’d really do it, wouldn’t you?”

“I already did, it just didn’t work out the first time.”

He muttered something under his breath, something that sounded like “stubborn” and “killed” before he ran his palm down his face impatiently. “All right, how about this—why don’t you go to New York and talk to my Alpha?”

“And why would I do that? I thought he was already talking to uncles?” she sneered. “What would he need me for?” She paused, searching his face. “Wait a minute. You know something, don’t you?” she accused. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”

He blew out an exasperated sigh. “I just spoke to my uncle. While my Alpha is willing to go to the High Council, he feels we’re not ready right this moment.”

“And why not?”

“You can’t just accuse a ruling Alpha of murder. We need evidence to convince the High Council to open a case. And currently the only evidence we have is that you were abandoned and split up, but that’s circumstantial at best. But, if you tell my Alpha what you know, that might help the case against Forte. The High Council will investigate, and once they find out what he did, they’ll strip him of his powers and send him to the Lycan prison facility in Siberia.”

Prison was not good enough for that bastard. “Since we’re playing law and order here, wouldn’t my evidence be heresy, counselor?” she retorted. “I only know Forte killed my parents because of my Aunt Ella and she’s dead.” Her hands curled into fists. “Besides, a trial will take too long. My way is quicker.”

“Yeah, a quicker death for you.” His nostrils flared.

“It would be worth it. I don’t care about?—”

“The hell you don’t!” His hands seized her arms, sending a strange thrill through her. “You can’t die.”

Blazing green eyes bore into her, and her mouth turned dry. “You don’t know me, so it shouldn’t matter to you if I live or die.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed audibly. “It matters to Stella. And to Devon. And because they’re now part of my family, I care about them.” His grip loosened, but he didn’t let go. “What’s wrong, Sloane? I get it, you’re mad at Forte. I would want him dead, too, if he killed anyone I loved. But whydo you have this death wish? Why does nothing else matter except killing him?” A strange expression passed across his face. “What happened?” His hands dropped to his sides. “Did he … do anything to you?”

“What—” She sucked in a breath. “Oh my God, did you think he …?” She shook her head. “No, no. Ronan never shit where he ate. He cared only about himself, and if he committed any crime it was only to keep himself in power or to fatten his bank account.” He was a cruel bastard to his people, but he was smart. His style was to conquer and divide those under his power to make sure they didn’t band together to overthrow him. “He didn’t touch me, but what he did was worse.”


His gaze softened, and for a moment, she found herself entranced by those green orbs. “When Ronan realized how good I was at stealing shit, he put me to work. I started boosting electronics from the local big box store, and eventually, they had me hot wiring luxury sports cars and breaking into vaults and safes to steal cash and valuables. I was only fourteen when I did my first job.”

He gritted his teeth. “He stole your family. And your childhood.”

She shrugged. “My Aunt Ella was nice to me, did the best she could, and I was never hungry.”

His eyebrows drew together into a frown. “But she let Ronan use you.”