Miller narrowed her gaze. “I don’t need a bodyguard.”
“Caden will accompany you both,” Aedan promised. “He’s the new bodyguard I hired.”
Rogan lifted his eyebrows. “You replaced Declan?”
“No, I hired Caden to protect Mateo and Natalya. Mateo can stay home with Declan while Caden looks after Natalya and Miller.”
“Perhaps Caden should stay home with Mateo, too.” Mateo’s safety was the top priority.
Aedan turned to her. “We’ve talked about how I’d feel better if you had someone watching you.”
“I thought Caden was just there to watch out for Mateo,” she said. And to ease her paranoia.
He shook his head. “I’m fairly well off, and I’ve made some enemies over the years. I’d breathe a lot easier if you took Caden with you. Besides, wouldn’t it be easier to have someone drive you?”
“Hallelujah.” Rogan threw his hands up into the air. “Finally, he talks some sense. Too bad you don’t listen to your own advice. I’ve been telling you for years to get a bodyguard.”
“I have Declan. He looks after my security.”
“How is he supposed to watch the house, you, and Mateo?” Rogan asked dryly.
“You know I only use him when I go out of town. It’s safe here,” Aedan insisted.
Rogan rolled his eyes. “So says the man who’s had three stalkers in the last two years.”
“Rogan’s right.” Natalya reached over and grabbed his hand. “I want you safe. We haven’t gone through everything we have for me to lose you now.”
Aedan watched her for a long moment, then nodded. It wasn’t a yes, but she knew he would consider it. She just wanted them all to be safe. If that meant having someone follow her around, then she could put up and shut up.
“So, this guy, Caden?” Rogan asked. “Is he good?”
“He’s a little . . . ” She searched for a word to accurately describe Caden.
“Paranoid? Out of his mind? Crazy?” Aedan offered.
“And you still hired him?” Rogan looked skeptical about that decision.
“He’s a little unusual,” Natalya admitted. “But capable. Declan wouldn’t have recommended him if he wasn’t.”
“So, would you both like to go shopping on Monday?” Aedan said.
“Sure,” Natalya replied. Sounded like so much fun.
“Okay,” Miller agreed with obvious reluctance.
Think positive. Maybe I’ll get strep throat and be quarantined.
“Food’s ready,” Colm called out from where he stood behind the grill.
Natalya dished up a small dish for Mateo before digging in herself. She watched as Rogan added some meat to Miller’s sparsely filled plate. The petite woman sent him a sharp glare and pushed the meat to one side, pointedly ignoring it.
Rogan sat back and stared at Miller for a long moment before Aedan asked him something. Miller studied her plate with a small smile.
Hmm, interesting. Maybe there was more going on than either of them would admit. After everything he’d done for her, Natalya felt quite protective of Rogan. Perhaps getting to know Miller better wouldn’t be a terrible thing.
“So,what sort of clothing are you looking for?” Natalya asked as Caden drove them downtown.
Miller gazed out the window. “Nothing.”