Page 45 of Rebellion


The car shook. Colm barely managed to keep it in control. He gritted his teeth together.

Fucking asshole was going to kill them.

And he’d never even gotten to kiss Sofia. Never gotten to hear what noises she made as she came.

Well, fuck that.

He was going to live. He hadn’t survived the things he had and gotten this far to give up now.

“Has this asshole got a death wish?” Colm turned down another street. “I’m headed out to the interstate. Hopefully, we’ll lose him.”

The car moved up beside him. Fuck, it was fast.

“Must have a hell of an engine in there,” Colm stated. “Brace yourself.” He slammed on the brakes and the other car shot past.

“Good work,” Rogan told him.

Shock filled him as he took in the sight in front of him.

What the hell?

“Fuck! It’s not over yet. Goddamn idiot!”

The car was reversing toward them. Colm shifted the car into gear, accelerating, passing the other vehicle as it backed up. But all too soon, it loomed behind them.

As it moved up beside them, the driver swerved in, hitting the side of their vehicle.

Once, twice.

This car could withstand a lot. But this wasn’t going to end well.

Colm could feel it.

“He’s gonna kill us all!” Colm yelled before he lost control of the car and swerved off the road, spinning violently and uncontrollably.

This was not how he’d expected things to end.

Sofia walked toward the kitchen.They were about to open for the dinner shift.

Honestly, all she wanted to do was go home.

She’d taken yesterday off, telling everyone that she wasn’t well. She’d intended to take today off, too, but she’d realized she had a meeting with a supplier.

Besides, she wasn’t really ill. She was just tired.

So tired that it felt like she had a dead weight around her shoulders.

Her lack of sleep was starting to make her feel ill. Her nights were plagued with bad dreams.

And during the day, she kept drawing that stupid image over and over again.

Detective Maran had tried to approach her a couple more times, but she kept running away from him.

Her back was really hurting again, to the point that Sacha had taken note and ordered her to take some time off.

Something she’d gratefully agreed to do.