Page 32 of Rebellion

Finally, he texted her.

Colm:Nothing that either of us is ready to acknowledge.


She wanted to push further, but it seemed that all her bravery had officially disappeared.

Colm:Tell me how you really are.

She wasn’tsure that was a good idea.

Sofia:How did you get my number?

Colm:Sofia. Dodge my question one more time...

Sofia typed something,then erased it. Then she typed again. Erased it.


She wanted to know what would happen.

And she kind of didn’t. Because if knowing whatMo leannanmeant was a step too far, then knowing what he’d do if she kept defying him was a freaking leap over the cliff.

Colm:Tell me. Or I will be forced to come and see you for myself. And I don’t make idle threats.



Sofia:I’m really okay. Don’t I sound all right?

Colm:You do. I also know that you’re very good at hiding your feelings. I have a feeling that you’re keeping a number of secrets from everyone, Sofia.

If only he knew.

Colm:And that makes me itch to discover what they all are.

Sofia:Maybe you should get something for that, then. I’m sure they have creams for itchiness at the pharmacy.

Colm:Brat. Don’t push me.


Her heart raced.

She was being too daring. Shit. She’d never do this with anyone else. She couldn’t afford to. Any wrong move and she’d fall.

While she knew Sacha would do his best to catch her... she knew he couldn’t always be there.

And sometimes, it felt like he might be the one to push her. Well, not him.

But this life they led... the life they’d both been born into.

She wondered how Colm ended up in this life. Had it been a choice? Or a set of circumstances out of his control?

Sofia:How did you come to work for Rogan?

Colm:You’re changing the subject. We’re talking about you. I’m not going to let you do your usual thing.