Page 11 of Rebellion

“My back is fine.” She glared at her cousin for letting that piece of information slip. It was something she kept deliberately quiet. Sofia hated being treated differently just because she got the occasional ache and pain.

“And it has a better chance of staying that way if you follow the doctors’ orders,” Aleksandr preached. “No heavy lifting and no standing for long periods. That was the agreement when we opened this place. You’re only supposed to be supervising. You’re the owner. So tell me again, where the fuck is Oleg? Or Boris? And why aren’t they doing their fucking job?”

Her cousin was generally calm and collected. But when his temper let loose, it was a sight to be seen. And not something you wanted to be around.

“Do not talk to her like that,” Colm said, suddenly stepping between them.

Wait. Was he . . . was he protecting her?

From Sacha?


That was so sweet but completely unnecessary. Sacha would never hurt her.

“It’s okay, Colm.” She tried to step around him, but he threw an arm out, keeping her behind him.

“No, it’s not,” he replied without looking at her.

“Are you protecting my cousin from me?” Aleksandr asked incredulously.

“You do not speak to her that way,” Colm warned again.

Sofia wasn’t even sure why he was so upset. Sacha wasn’t saying anything that she didn’t know. She wasn’t supposed to lift anything really heavy.

Or be on her feet all day.

Oleg had forced her to give him a job. Something Sacha hadn’t been happy about. But she’d managed to convince him that Oleg would do a good job.

Which was complete and utter bullshit, of course. Oleg was useless.

So she found herself constantly covering for him. Which is why she was here, opening up and trying to put away the supplies that had just been dropped off.

Jobs that he should be doing.

All so Aleksandr didn’t get angry and fire him.

Aleksandr grew quiet, just watching Colm with an assessing gaze.

Not good. Really not good.

“He had a doctor’s appointment,” she blurted out, trying to distract them both.

Sacha glanced down at her. “What? Who?”

“Oleg. He had a doctor’s appointment. That’s why I’m here opening up.”

“A doctor’s appointment,” Sacha said slowly. As though that concept was something foreign.

For him, it kind of was.

She doubted Sacha ever made time for a check-up, only seeing the family doctor when it became dire.

“It was so urgent that he had to go when he’s supposed to be working? Isn’t that what days off are for? I hope we’re not paying him to go to a private appointment.”

Yes, of course they were.

Because he wasn’t even at a doctor’s appointment. For all she knew, he was still asleep in bed. However, there was no way she could tell Sacha that. If she made him look bad in front of Sacha, she knew he would punish her.