Whitlock leads us to the lift and as he directs me in, four men get in too. He nudges me in front of him, so my back is against his front and he pulls me against him. I can feel his hard length pressing against my back. His breath tickles just below my ear, and I can’t help the shiver that shoots through my body.

“I’m so pleased you decided to come and have some fun. You look so sexy in that dress, little one. Your body is amazing,” he says as he runs his fingers across my stomach, occasionally dipping lower as though he is going to reach for my pussy before thinking better of it. I try to relax against his touch, but as I feel his lips begin to pepper kisses against my neck, all I feel is revulsion.

I bite my lip to get control of myself, before looking around. In the top corner of the lift, I see exactly what I was looking for. It’s a security camera. With an inconspicuous wink towards the camera, I get back into character, letting out a soft moan to let Whitlock know Beth is enjoying his kisses. I know Kellan will be watching, it’s his job, after all. He will watch the footage and delete all signs of me as I go. I just want to let him know that I'm okay, and that I hate the idea of him seeing me like this.

The doors open with a ping and the security file out first, looking both ways. We don’t move at all, Whitlock continues his kisses like the lift hadn’t even stopped yet. “Clear,” shouts the big, burly security guard who first approached me.

Upon hearing this, Whitlock grabs hold of my hand and leads me towards the only door on this entire corridor. I realise we must be about to enter the penthouse suite. I don’t even have time to check out my elaborate surroundings because as soon as we enter the room, he pushes me against the door and slams his lips against mine. So much for taking it slow. I don’t actually want to fuck him. I was hoping we could do this somehow without me fucking him, but there aren’t many other alternatives. Yet, there are some, and right now they are looking a damn sight more appealing than having his hands on me any longer.

Thankfully, the same security guard clears his throat to get Whitlock’s attention. He reluctantly pulls away from me, the bulge in his trousers painfully evident for all to see. He looks over at his security guard with those ice-cold eyes. “I’m sorry to bother you, Sir, but you need to put your valuables in the safe, whilst I do a full security check on Beth, here. It’s protocol for a reason.” His voice is stern and strict, making it very fucking clear he isn’t budging on the rules.

“Fine,” Whitlock says as he stomps towards what I know from the plans I've studied is the bedroom.

“Sorry, Miss, I need to see in your bag.” I hand over my bag willingly, knowing there is nothing in there that he will find that can be incriminating any way. Once he has finished going through my bag, he leans down to whisper in my ear. “Beth, I know you are only fifteen, and so does he. Are you sure you want to be here, that you want to go through with this?”

I look up at him, and I can see the genuine concern he has plastered all across his face. “I’m old enough to know what I’m doing,” I reply, trying to sound exactly like a stroppy teenager who has been caught in a lie.

“Is everything okay here?” Whitlock asks as he walks back into the room,

“Yes, I was just telling Beth that I need to feel her to make sure she doesn’t have anything concealed,” the security guard covers, his face now a mask of professionalism again. Although I can see the concern in his eyes, like he really does want to do the right thing.

“That won’t be necessary. She is about to strip naked and I can assure you there is nowhere she could hide something that I won’t be exploring,” he slurs, the drink clearly affecting his words. I don’t think he realises just how fucking creepy and sleazy that fucking sounds.

“Erm, I-I don’t want to get naked in front of all these people, Charles.” I make my voice tremble, trying to come off as nervous. I don’t need to act too much because I am petrified. This is when it really counts that I get things right. He is about to do away with a lot of the security measures he has in place for a reason. All for some underage pussy. That I can assure him, is most definitely not going to be worth it.

“Kayden, take your team out to the hallway until I tell you to come back in. You have already secured the suite, that is the only door in or out. I can assure you I will be fine. In fact, when Beth here gets naked I have a feeling I will be more than fine.”

After a few back-and-forths and grumbles, Kayden finally takes his security team out into the hallway, and Whitlock looks very pleased. He starts to walk towards me, but I hold my hand out to stop him, his groan of frustration letting me know he isn’t happy.

“Why don’t you have a seat over there? I will grab us some drinks from the minibar and remove my dress before bringing it over to you. How does that sound?” I ask, walking into the bedroom where I know the mini fridge is located.

As I mix the drinks, bourbon for him and vodka for me, I make sure to mix in all of the ketamine from my bag. I keep stirring it, until the liquid is all mixed in as I remove my dress. I’m dressed in a matching black lace bra and thong set that, combined with the heels I have on, looks amazing.

Giving the glass one last stir, I keep reminding myself that Finn said it was tasteless and odourless and he would never know it was in his glass. I’m so focused on the task at hand, it barely registers the way he checks out my body. Finn has done an excellent job with the make-up covering every last cut, scar, and bruise. Even if he kisses the make-up it won't come off. It’s some kind of formula they use in film special effects. I can only remove it with a special soap material I have back at the motel. To be honest, I wish it was permanent. What I wouldn’t give to hide the scars, and that tattoo. To put that life behind me. One day I will. Hopefully, one day very soon.

I hand the glass over to Whitlock and much to my annoyance, he takes it and puts it on the table next to the sofa he’s lazing on. He does the same with my drink before pulling me down until I am straddling him. His hard cock, fighting to get free from his trousers, is pressing against my panty-covered pussy. I can’t help but feel sleazy. I have just had the best sexual experience of my life, and now I’m back to feeling like a whore again.

Whitlock leans down and begins sucking on the exposed tops of my boobs, all the way along my cleavage. “Fuck, you are beautiful. I bet you have very perky nipples,” he says as he reaches up to pull my bra cups down to reveal my tits.

Moving quickly, I put my hand on top of his, ignoring the fact that it is clearly shaking. “Sorry, I do want to do this, but I've never done anything like this before. Maybe I just need a bit of Dutch courage,” I say as I reach for the drink. Thankfully, he takes his too. “Bottoms up?” I say, making it sound more as a question, as I hold my glass out to his. I down the vodka, this time more than grateful for the burn, and watch as he swallows every last drop of the liquid.

Sadly, he wastes no time in getting right back to where he was before we broke it off to drink. I try to block out the next few minutes. As he takes off my bra, and begins to play with my nipples, all whilst grinding his cock against my pussy, I close off my mind. I’ve done it lots of times before, and I simply play the role. I moan and groan at all the right times, and make it seem like I am fully invested in the situation, when really, my mind couldn’t be further away. I try not to let the disgust and hatred build, but as this man takes more of what he wants, it’s impossible not to.

Thankfully, before he can go any further than my nipples, he passes out. Now it’s time to spring into action. Putting my bra on so I can at least complete the job with a little bit of dignity, I first of all poke Whitlock’s cheek like Finn advised, just to check if there is any response. When there isn’t, I slap him round the face. I have to admit, I enjoy that far more than I should have, and I probably used a bit too much force when I notice his cheek turning a nice pink colour. But, still he doesn’t wake up, so I waste no time dragging his body off the sofa and into the bedroom.

I’m so glad Kellan made me practice this because dragging an unconscious man, who is not of a small build, from the living room to the bedroom in a large hotel suite is neither easy nor a quick task. But, thanks to my training, I manage. I dump him in front of the safe before pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket. I use his fingerprint to generate an access code that I put into the electronic safe. I then use his fingerprint on the safe, which opens up an access panel. Taking my handbag that I grabbed on the way, I put the eye drops that Finn gave me into Whitlock’s eyes and watch as his pupils dilate, making his eyes appear open and active.

Holding him in front of the iris recognition software on the safe, that thankfully is on the shelf in the wardrobe, at first it doesn’t do anything and I start to freak out. I need his eye to scan or there’s no getting in the damn thing. Thankfully, a few seconds later it clicks and the safe springs open. If I had time to whoop and do a happy dance I fucking would, but we aren’t there yet.

Looking in the safe, alongside some cash that I could happily tuck into my bag, if I wasn’t terrified of getting caught, I see what all the fuss is about. The whole reason for this damn mission, and it’s the tiniest fucking memory stick I have ever seen.

Opening the secret pocket I have in my bag, I pull out the adapter that Kellan hid in there and connect it from the memory stick to my phone. I then follow the instructions Kellan drilled into me throughout our training. An encryption lock flicks up, and I activate the app Kellan created. It starts to whirl over and multiple digits flash up on my phone. It’s moving so fast my eyes can barely keep up. Then a box pops up and stays, asking for fingerprint authorization. I waste no time holding Whitlock’s finger against the memory stick. It does exactly what Kellan told me it would and a vast array of files pop up. I select all the files and indicate that I want them all dragging over to my cloud storage, which will send it directly to Kellan.

While the massive amount of data is transferring, I start setting up my exit plan. I leave my phone and the memory stick on the floor as I drag Whitlock into the bed. I undress him and notice that his cock is still hard. How the fuck does he still have an erection while on ketamine. Fuck, I will hardly be able to pull off saying we just had sex if he’s still hard. So, begrudgingly, I begin to wank him. It feels so wrong, tugging on the cock of an unconscious man. Even if he is a sexual predator who fucking deserves it. It still doesn’t make me feel any less sleazy. Thankfully it doesn't take too long for him to cum all over his stomach. Reluctantly, I take the cum that is on my hands and wipe it on my chest. It will make it more believable that way.

Hearing a beep coming from the phone, I see all the files have been transferred over, but the beep means I’m almost out of time and the ketamine could wear off at any moment. I pull up the other app Kellan designed and follow the instructions he taught me. The app begins to slowly erase everything that is on the drive, slowly corrupting it. Once it indicates it’s done, and blank replicas of the files remain in place, I put the memory stick back in the safe, and close it up before making the wardrobe look like it’s never been opened. I put my bag on the side, making the room look like two people have literally scattered their clothes everywhere before climbing into bed. Reluctantly, I take off my bra and panties to make it look more realistic.

As Whitlock starts to come around, he looks confused and his eyes begin to dart around the room. “Hey, sleepy head. I was just about to wake you. It’s late and my parents are wondering where I am. Don’t want them sending out a search party. So, I better go. Thank you for a lovely night, though,” I say as I lean over and press my lips against his for just a second.