“For fuck’s sake, Sian! What have I told you about getting me up? You know I jump easily,” I shout, as she laughs at my startled response. I’m the first to admit it’s not difficult to scare or startle me, and Sian knows this.

“How did it go?” she mumbles, biting the corner of her lip.

“How I expected. If I turn down my place, I lose it for good. I can apply for support for year two onwards, but this year is all on me. I have a month to find almost thirty grand if I want to cover what I lost. So, unless I have some long lost rich uncle that pegs it and leaves everything to me, my only other option is to rob a bank.” I hold my head in my hands, the despair quite evident in my voice. I’m not going to lie, robbing a bank isn’t looking too bad right about now.

“You know I would make an amazing bank robber, but you are far too well-behaved for that shit,” Sian jokes and I can’t help but laugh. She’s right, I’m not made for a life of crime. I hate any kind of attention, and would much rather curl up with a book. All the things a robber doth make.

“Look, Boo. I just talked to Mum about whether we can help you or not. Don’t get mad at me, she was probably thinking it before I asked. But with me going off to University, and Terry needing to go to that special school, there just isn’t enough extra to help out. We can give you some, but even I’m going to need extra cash as the money they’re giving me is less than I expected,” she huffs and I roll my eyes.

I love Sian, always have, but there’s no denying she's an entitled princess. Her last comment just proved it. She is getting her fees and accommodation paid for and a regular allowance, but because it’s a bit less than she was expecting she’s in a mood. Then again, Sian has become accustomed to the spending lifestyle, and always seems to have cash to blow on things. I’m not sad by the comment itself though. I wouldn’t expect them to help pay for me, that should be my own parents’ responsibility. I’m also pleased they managed to get Terry into the school that specialises in kids on the autistic spectrum.

“I am grateful, but you know I’d never take your money. What’s your plan to raise some cash?” I ask, and despite the layer of foundation she’s wearing, I can see a slight blush spread across her cheeks and she looks sheepish.

“I don’t know yet,” she mumbles, obviously lying.

Staring with brows furrowed, I make it clear I’m not happy. “Don’t lie to me. I can tell you have a plan, so what is it?”

“You won't approve.” Her voice is firm and that just pisses me off more. I know I’m shy and reserved, but that doesn't mean I’m disapproving.

“Tell me!”

“Fine! So, you remember when I was with Ken?” she asks and I shudder. Fuck, that guy gave me the creeps, but she was infatuated with his slimy ass, so I stayed quiet. Luckily, they were a flash in the pan, over quickly.

“How can I forget?” My voice is laced with sarcasm and Sian's resulting eye roll makes me smile.

“He wasn’t that bad. Anyway…Ken was into some really kinky shit, and he helped bring me out of my shell when it came to my sexuality. You know a bit, but there was a lot I didn't tell you. The main thing is that he liked to go to sex clubs… Well, just one, actually. Shades. It has a bit of a bad reputation given its owner, but we only ever went to the regular members' nights, not the underground scene.” Her words register slowly. The more I take them in the more my mouth widens, and my eyes look like they’re about to bug out of my head. As the shock spreads across my face, I see Sian roll her eyes as though what she just told me is no big deal. That there is nothing for me to be astounded by. When the fuck did my best friend start going to sex clubs? More importantly, why the fuck didn’t she tell me?

“Shades, as in the members only club on the outskirts of town? I didn’t even know it was dodgy,” I ramble, circling around the real issues.

Everyone talks about the members only club, but nobody really talks about it being a sex club. Or if they do, I’ve never heard anything.

“It's owned by Desmond Doughty, and we all know how dodgy he is. Every time I’ve been there, and all that I’ve seen, they appear to be above board. I’ve heard rumours about more dodgy stuff happening behind the scenes, but that’s just gossip.”

A harsh laugh escapes my lips before she even has a chance to finish her sentence. “Yeah…because Desmond fucking Doughty is well known for his legal activities.” Sarcasm drips off my every word, but my best friend ignores me with a roll of her eyes.

“Listen, Boo. Once a month, Shades organises an auction. I have only done one but I made a lot of money. Basically, you auction off a night with yourself. You set all the rules beforehand and everyone is securely vetted, so it’s perfectly safe. You specify things you are willing to do, things you won’t do, and anything that might raise the price tag a little more…things like that. Obviously, the more you are willing to do, the more money they are likely to pay,” Sian calmly explains while I sit there looking at her like my long-term best friend just grew a second head I knew nothing about.

I wrack my brain looking for the signs, anything that I missed that would have shown me this side to her, but I can’t find anything. My hands clench by my sides and my eyebrows draw together in annoyance. “Why the fuck is this the first time I’m hearing about this?” I spit out, louder than my usually calm tone.

“Because…and I mean this in the nicest possible way, Boo…you're a prude. We never talk about sex, not really. I’m not even sure if you're a virgin or not. Every time I’ve ever mentioned sex, and particularly with Ken, you go awkward as fuck. So, I avoid the topic of conversation and have just waited for you to bring up the topic. But, you never did. You’re my best friend and I’d never want to make you uncomfortable, so I left it,” Sian explains and I can’t stop the flush of pink that spreads to my cheeks giving them a bright red glow.

Looking down at my now fidgeting hands, I’m embarrassed because everything she said is true. I have been so focused on my dream of becoming a doctor and getting out of this shithole, that I never really put much effort into other things. I’ve never had a serious boyfriend. Hell, I don’t have any friends other than Sian. I’m much better alone in my room with a book in my hand. If we are talking about the literary world then I have loads of boyfriends, and I have experienced all manner of kinks, but sadly they’re all in the fictional world where I spend most of my time. As a result, reality has suffered.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve kissed boys at parties, and done a bit of fooling about, but when Sian says she thinks I’m a virgin, of course I’m almost ashamed to confirm it. I’m about to go off to University, and I’ve never been on a fucking date.

“I’m not…”

Sian interrupts what I’m sure would be a very humiliating explanation, and I couldn’t be more grateful. “Boo, you don’t have to explain. Your private life is your own business, and if you want to keep it to yourself then I completely respect that. But in return, you have to respect that I don’t tell you things.”

“I can respect that, but I’d like to know more about Shades and how you made money. If you’re okay telling me, that is?” I inquire whilst looking hopefully at my friend.

“Sure. So, I put myself on the lower end of the auction schedule, which basically means I’m only looking for light kink. I told them I’m submissive, looking for a Dom for the night. I gave a list of things I like and my hard limits. I told them I must have a safeword or I wouldn’t take part. I’m happy to be bought by multiple people, including women, and am open to experimentation. I don’t allow anything that leaves marks permanently, a sore ass for a day or two is encouraged. I just want to try new things and learn more about myself and my body. I explained I had subbed before and was trained to a certain level,” Sian says, looking over at me to check if I’m still following along. My frozen expression has her pausing, and I nod for her to continue.

“I was bought by a man who gave me one hell of a fucking night, Is. He pushed me to places I’ve never even dreamt of going, and I loved it. I’ve met up with him again at the club to scene, but neither of us is looking for a long-term commitment. He paid the club ten thousand Euros for me, and I got nine thousand. They keep ten percent of the price for hosting. Oh, and when I say we met up to scene, that basically means that we act out a sexual fantasy that we have created together, meeting both of our sexual needs. As long as we follow each other’s limits, we just let it evolve a little like a scene would in a film. So if someone says they want to scene with you, that’s what it means.”

I’m brought out of my bubble at the mention of the money she made, but also what they kept. “Isn’t that a lot for them to keep?” I ask, hoping I don’t sound too naive.

“They earn it, Boo. They make sure to screen all the applicants prior to the bidding, and if someone who bids on you is not a suitable match, they won't allow the bid to go through. I had a man bid on me, but he liked blood play, which is one of my hard limits, and so they refused his bid. Even if he promised not to do blood play with me, they can’t take that risk. They want all their members to be safe. Everyone has a full sexual health screening before joining the auction or requesting a bidding plate. It’s a really well-run process, Issy, but it’s not for everyone.”