Honey is lying next to me, her hair dishevelled, and one of her tits has popped out of the vest top she is sleeping in, after it has become twisted. She wanted to throw me a bachelorette party, but as there are only two of us, and I can’t drink, she did most of the drinking. She kept us up until the early hours of the morning, just chatting and watching movies. There’s a reason she’s the only female friend I have here at the compound. She hates it here too. She joined at the age of fifteen after her father, who we ridiculously named Black Badger, for reasons I don’t even care about knowing, joined the Reapers. He brought with him his son, Stone, who was accepted as a Prospect at seventeen. He’s now a full member, and I don’t really see much of him.
There are two generations of Reapers currently, the older crew made up of people like Pres and Little Bit, to name just a couple. Then there’s the younger generation, some are new recruits, others are Legacies, but they look up to Jamieson as their leader. Honey has been saying for a while, as she gets both sides of the story from her dad and brother, that one day soon there will be an uprising. It’s bubbling along under the surface. The newer generation don’t like Pres and his antiquated ways. I have no idea what will happen, I doubt I will even care. I’m not a Reaper by choice, and I never will be.
“Honey, wake up, babe. The alarm went off,” I say, shaking her slightly. Her resounding groan is the only indicator that she is alive and with us, she barely moves otherwise. “I’m supposed to be getting married soon and Jamieson says you’re in charge of making sure I look my best, not that it really matters,” I grumble the last part a bit quieter. It’s enough to capture Honey’s attention and she quickly sits up in bed, before holding on to her head and stomach at the same time. Her skin takes on a green tinge, and I worry she’s about to vomit on my bed.
Whilst I look around panicked, trying to find something for her to vomit into, she groans and hiccoughs before finally looking at me. She seems to have lost her green tinge and is returning to her almost normal complexion. “Urgh, I may feel like shit, Shay-Shay, but that doesn’t mean I am not going to still be the best maid of honour in the world,” Honey sings-songs with a smile. She’s always been one of those ridiculously peppy people, even when she is hungover. All I want to do is curl up back in bed until tomorrow, when I get my freedom, but Honey has other plans.
A knock at the door has me on edge. Nobody ever knocks on my door. If someone wants me, they just throw it open to come and get me. Honey usually shouts as she is approaching, and nobody else even knows which one is my room, I would imagine. Before I have a chance to even start to panic, Honey jumps up and runs towards the door, like she knows who it is and she’s excited.
As she bounces, her predicament gets worse, and I know I have to tell her. “Erm, Hon, before you open the door, you might want to put your rogue tit away.” I use my eyes and eyebrows to nod suggestively at the boob that has no shame in breaking free from her tank top. With a giggle, Honey rights her top, and checks the rest of herself in the full-length mirror on the wall beside the door. It’s one of the few things I have in this room. Only a bed, dressing table and chair, and a wardrobe. I have a small en-suite shower room, it may only be small, but it’s enough for me.
Honey opens the door and Kelsie, the Sweetbutt who normally works behind the bar, comes strolling in. She’s a couple of years older than me and Honey, but we have always gotten along really well with her. She is one of these no-nonsense, take-no-shit kinda girls. She likes her biker boots and her leathers. She would smoke any Reaper if they ever took her on in a race. They don’t know but she races in underground bike and car races. She makes a lot of money that way. Despite being a Sweetbutt, I rarely see her with any of the Reapers. Although, there’s no denying that Honey’s brother, Stone, has a thing for her. I think the only people who don't know that are Honey and Kelsie.
Kelsie has her arms full of bags, a massive what looks to be a dress bag is draped over one of her arms. In her other hand, it’s definitely food because my stomach rolls as I catch the smell of bacon. She flies into the room so fast, her long purple hair flowing behind her. I have to ask, but I don’t mean for it to come out sounding so rude. “What are you doing here, Kelsie?”
Honey looks at me, astounded I would speak to Kelsie that way when she is clearly doing something nice for me, even if I’ve no fucking clue what is going on. Kelsie doesn’t seem to care and she continues rearranging things on my dressing table. Honey replies on her behalf. “It’s your wedding day, Shay. Of course we are going to be here to help you celebrate it.”
I roll my eyes, and groan. “You don’t need to do this, guys. I mean, it’s hardly going to be a real wedding. We are just signing a piece of paper.”
They both start to chuckle then, and I stare at them suspiciously. What do they know that I don’t?
Kelsie explains, “Look, we are not going to ruin any of Whiskey’s secrets. But he promised you would be good and do as you are told while we help you get ready.” Her voice is firm, and leaves no room for discussion. Looks like we are doing this wedding thing for real.
“Do I smell food?” I ask, changing the subject.
Kelsie, now she has put everything down and has it all organised, picks up a bag and a bottle of what looks to be champagne. “Yes, I brought a variety of bacon and sausage sandwiches, some croissants and pastries, and champagne and orange juice. So those of us that are not knocked up can have a celebratory Bucks Fizz, but those that are with children will have to put up with just the orange juice portion,” she explains with a little giggle, as she begins to pour. I notice her glasses of Bucks Fizz look a little uneven in her proportions given how champagne-heavy they are, but I’m not going to complain. They’re the ones that will have to battle the hangovers tomorrow.
Kelsie hands out the food and we all sit on the bed to eat. At first we sit in a companionable silence, until Honey breaks it. Her voice is so soft and quiet, as she talks into her champagne flute I can barely hear what she has to say. “I can’t believe you get to leave here tomorrow. I mean, I know you are coming back, but getting to leave, even just for eight months, it sounds like heaven.”
I knew Honey didn’t particularly like being here, but she had never vocalised it the way I did. I was protesting and asking for my freedom to be heard at Church for years, but got nowhere. She never said a word. So, I’m shocked she is now coveting my time away. Before I have time to reply, Kelsie beats me to it, and she, too, whispers her opinion, which is really unlike her. “I think it’s great, and will be good to keep the baby safe, but I can also imagine it must be terrible.”
“What do you mean?” asks Honey, but I know exactly what she means.
“It’s like Shayla is getting a little snippet of how great her life could be. For a few months she gets to live with this guy, date him, have fun with him, and fall in love with him. Not just that, she will fall in love with the life she has created with him. Then when her baby is born, and the life they dreamed of together is finally complete, she has to ruin it all and leave. She won’t ever get to experience that life ever again. Yes, she gets to come home to Jamieson, but that won’t be comparable to the child she has to leave behind,” Kelsie explains, hitting the nail bang on the head.
“I didn’t think of it like that. How does it feel marrying a man before you go off and live with another one? Do you like either of them?” Honey asks as I pick at the sausage sandwich I have in front of me.
Taking a small bite, I try to find the right words. “It’s hard to say because I’ve never really been given the chance to develop feelings for them naturally. It’s all in a weird order. I haven’t been on a first date with either and one has gotten me pregnant while the other is marrying me. I don’t have the luxury of feelings. I have no idea how I feel, or which I would develop feelings for if this life had been different, more normal.”
“Well, at least they are both gorgeous,” Honey chips in, trying to lighten the mood.
“And Jamieson is a really nice guy. He has gone up in my estimations a lot after I found out his plans for today. The boy’s a secret romantic, that’s for sure,” Kelsie adds, with a very deliberate wink in my direction. I can’t help but laugh.
“I had no idea he was planning anything,” I say, and they both smile.
“Actually, now that I think about it, we are on a very tight schedule. Eat up! We have showers, hair, and make-up to do, with very little time before the ceremony starts,” she says, as she picks up a bacon sandwich and starts eating. I’ve never seen a girl eat the way she does, with such big bites. Literally, this girl ate the whole thing in a few bites and she doesn’t even look full. She eats what she wants and still has the perfect figure. Although she is a runner, which probably helps.
“I didn’t even know we had a start time,” I say with a giggle, and now it’s the girls’ turn to roll their eyes at me.
The rest of the morning passes by in a blur as they shave, pluck, and fluff my body to within an inch of its life. My fingernails and toenails are painted in a French manicure style, with little diamantes. Would you believe that's the first pedicure I’ve ever had? Honey did it for me while Kelsie got to work curling and pinning my hair. In the end, my hair was half up and half down with the most elegant jewels draping down my long blonde hair.
They are both dressed in the most beautiful deep purple dresses. They are strapless, and pull in their already tiny waists and the material flows down like a decadent waterfall. They look beautiful, like real bridesmaids. I guess they are who I would have chosen, if I had been involved in any of this. Though I know the day is still young, I have a very good feeling I’m going to love whatever else Jamieson has planned.
Once they are ready, they turn my attention to me. They get me dressed in the sexiest white lingerie I have ever seen. White lace bra, which pushes the girls up perfectly, and white lacy panties curve around the swell of my ass cheeks in just the right way. Then they added matching stockings and suspenders, and I know when I get the white diamante heels I can see sitting on the floor on, I will look amazing.
My eyes keep casting over to the long dress bag that is hanging off my wardrobe door. I have no idea what is going to be on the other side. “Did you guys pick the dress?” I ask, and they both look at each other with shifty eyes, before Kelsie answers me.
“No, Jamieson got it. We have been given strict instructions not to look at it. He wants you to be by yourself when you put it on. We can come back and help you, but we need to give you a moment alone. We have some things we need to grab really quickly anyway. So, we will be right back. You have no idea how hard it was to have that dress in my room for weeks, and not be able to look at it or say anything,” she jokes.