I know I shouldn’t, but having a bunch of files that bikers are willing to sacrifice their Princess over, files they have specifically told us not to look at, it’s driving me crazy. I feel like a prepubescent teenager whose parents have just said, ‘don’t look at this, it’s for over eighteens only’. Well, that’s like a fucking green light right there.
First I just scan the file names, hoping that could give away what exactly I’m looking at, but it doesn’t. Then I start to dig deeper and there’s a lot of information. He has clearly been building a treasure trove of information to use as insurance whenever needed. There’s background on the structure of mafia families from all around the world, including Desmond Doughty here in Limerick, and the O’Keenans over in London. He has names of all the leaders of the different families and background information, including some very incriminating things about a lot of them.
Like, there’s an Italian family, who run Naples, called the Morettis, and their fearless leaders enjoy being pegged and spanked by scrawny, pale ginger kids, and he pays heavily for that particular kink. This Whitlock asshole has been gathering evidence on everyone, and as soon as I have a minute to go through what he knows about the Doughtys, I will. There’s no way I’m handing any info over to the Reapers without first removing anything they could actually use to gain more power. I want Shay to have her freedom, but I also don’t want those assholes to get any more powerful.
After a few minutes of quick scanning, I find exactly what the Reapers will be looking for. It’s essentially Whitlock’s little black book. This memory stick features names, dates, places, and so much more relating to every illegal run he has ever done. So every gun he has brought into the country, every person, and every single ounce of powder. This tells you who he uses for borders, which law enforcement officers are bent, and who they are loyal to. It is basically all the information you would need to take over and control every criminal enterprise in the world. With the information Whitlock has in here, he could be the most powerful man in the world. So, why does he just store it all up, selling bits of it off to the highest bidders? There’s information in this file that could give him the ultimate power, and the fact that this guy is choosing not to take it, that worries me. It means, he is building all this information for a reason, we just don’t know what that reason is. Yet. I’m just hoping the Reapers will give me some time to go through the files before I hand them over. I can’t let them have anything too powerful. Besides, handing back the files means handing over Shayla. Allowing her to go back there for her two-week leaving period, and I don’t want to do that either.
Another alert sounds, letting me know Shayla has successfully corrupted the drive. Now it is only a matter of time before she will be home. I just have to wait for her to come out of that room, and hope she hasn’t had to sacrifice too much to get what she wants.
Once I spot Shayla leaving on the security cameras, and that cute little wink she gives me to let me know everything went okay, I feel like I can finally breathe again. From when I lose sight of her down the chosen back allies, I feel my heart start to race. We planned it, I know how long it should have taken her to get back here, and when that time passes, and then some more, my breathing becomes short, sharp pants. I try to slow my breathing down, but I can’t, so instead I get up and I pace. I will work on the files when I know she is back here, safe in my arms. I’m starting to think maybe I like this girl a bit more than I thought.
A few minutes later, the deep rumble of a motorbike calls my attention out of the window. Looking out, I see Shay, trying her best to climb off her bike whilst wearing that ridiculously short dress. But fuck do her legs look luscious as the moonlight beats down on them. Her creamy thighs are exposed, and I’m sure from the right angle you could easily see up her dress, right to her panty-covered pussy. Throwing her legs over the bike, she instantly pulls the dress down to right herself, giving herself back at least a little of her dignity. She moves towards the door to my motel room, and as soon as she is within reaching distance, I fling the door open and pull her inside.
I do a quick scan to make sure she is all in one piece, and she doesn’t look to have any extra injuries that she didn’t have when she left. Once I know she is okay, I waste no time pushing her against the motel door, and as I used my body to cage her in, my lips collided with hers. She responds straight away, her lips melding with mine and opening to grant my tongue access, as her hands scrape across my back, in a desperate attempt to pull me closer.
After a few minutes, I pull back slightly which earns me a groan that I can’t help but chuckle at. I love how much she wants me. It’s intoxicating, but I also care about her too. She has been through a lot, most of which I have no clue about. I need to make sure she is okay. “Sorry, that couldn’t wait. But, I do need to know how it went. Are you doing okay? Did he hurt you in any way?” I ask, leading her over to sit on the bed.
As her bum hits the duvet, she flicks off her shoes with her feet, making sure they land in the corner of the room, before she shuffles back farther onto the bed until she’s resting against the headboard. It takes every ounce of willpower in my body to keep looking at her face and not the exposed creamy skin of her thighs. Her face looks like an almost serene mask, but I don’t buy it. It is definitely a mask. Nobody goes through everything she has been through and doesn’t get affected by it.
“It went fine. I’m assuming you got all the data?” she asks, and I shuffle into the middle of the bed, sitting cross-legged so I can face her.
Giving her a stern stare, I make it very clear I don’t believe her. “Shay.” That one word is all it takes for her to roll her eyes and flop her arms. She then begins filling me in on all the gory details that I missed. When she got to the part where he saw her naked, and he groped her while waiting for the ketamine to kick in, I could feel my fists gripping the duvet cover. Anger coursing through my veins enough to make my blood boil. Liam is definitely going to have to arrange for this prick to become very familiar with a bullet, before I arrange it for him.
“So then, as I was leaving, in one of the alleyways where my bike was parked, I was stopped by Jamieson. I don’t know why he was at the bar, looking out for me, but I don’t think the Reapers knew because he wasn’t wearing his cut. They would never allow him to take it off for a job, they would want everyone to know the Reapers are present,” Shayla muses aloud, not really talking to me, although she deserves the truth.
“I asked him to keep an eye out for you. I needed to be here, but I wanted someone there who would dive head first into trouble to save you if need be, and he was the perfect choice. He really would do anything for you, Shayla.” Why the fuck am I telling her this? I know I’m probably not telling her anything she doesn’t already know, but still. It’s hardly the type of thing you say right before you fuck someone. Which is exactly what I plan on doing with the rest of my day.
“I know. We were best friends for a long time. But he’s a Reaper, and that will never change. In fact, he told me that I have until Sunday lunch tomorrow, then I need to be present at the compound with the data. Apparently, much to his annoyance, he bought me another day with you. But, that didn’t really make up for the fact that Pres is reneging on his deal. I have to do the full month, and then I’m free.” Her voice is small and cracks as she speaks, I can hear the tears she is trying her hardest not to shed.
“What the fuck? He told you that if you did this job, and got everything he needed, he would cut it down by half,” I shout, anger rippling through my body. Distrustful assholes. “I thought your dad was supposed to be a man of his word.”
“He is,” she says with a small shrug before continuing, “but he’s also a manipulative bastard. Jamieson basically said that he had a stack of excuses ready to go. Like, they never voted on the change at Church, so it isn’t official. Or because I didn’t turn up on Friday night, I broke their agreement.”
I can’t help holding my hand out at that point to cut her off. I don’t want to hear any more bullshit. “Friday night was last night, the night of the heist they wanted you to do. Unless they have invented something that enables cloning, or even being in two places at once, you were never going to make it. Besides, it’s not like you failed to notify them. I called Whiskey to let him know the plan was on, and that you wouldn’t be coming. He said he would pass the message on. These are just piss-poor excuses, Shay. Can’t you fight them?” My voice sounds like it’s almost pleading, and I hate the desperation that drips off every word.
“No, I have tried. I have just under thirty hours until I have to present myself at the compound, and I have every intention of spending them with you. Now, are you going to finish what you started when I first walked through that door?” she asks confidently, only the way she is nibbling on her lower lip gives away how anxious she really is. We have only done this a couple of times over the last day or two, and she still isn’t confident in her body or herself. But she should take some confidence from the way I look at her with pure, fiery passion.
“Are you positive he didn’t hurt you, or make you do anything that you didn’t want to do? I don’t want to feel as though I’m taking advantage,” I mumble, hiding the blush that spreads across my cheeks as I speak.
With a big grin stretched across her face, she leans forward, resting both hands on either side of my stomach. Her fists scrunch into my t-shirt, and it feels as though she is gripping hold for her life. “It isn’t taking advantage if I make the first move.” Before I can even register what she said, she pulls my t-shirt off over my head, throws it onto the floor and pulls my body down until I am lying on top of her. She wraps her legs around my ass, tilts her pelvis, and grinds her sweet pussy over my now hardening covered cock. My mouth presses onto hers instantly and we become a mess of arms and legs as we become frantic, rolling all around the bed, desperate to get closer to each other, and to take what we both need.
Once all our clothes are removed, I waste no time lowering my mouth to her erect nipples, nipping and sucking on them as Shayla moans with need. Her nipples are very sensitive and it’s like they have a direct link to her pussy. I have obviously seen enough porn to know that some women can orgasm from nipple stimulation alone, but I’ve never seen it, and I don’t know any guys that have either. It’s kinda like finding Willy Wonka’s golden ticket—everyone knows they’re out there, but you don’t think there’s any way in hell you will ever be lucky enough to find it. Then you do, and there’s no fucking way you want to share.
As Shayla’s moans become more erratic, I slowly reach down, snaking my fingers between our bodies. As soon as I slide a finger through her slit, I can feel how wet she is, and although I want to see her come from just her nipples alone, I want more too. Which is why I slowly press my fingers against her clit, and begin to rub frantically. That’s all it takes to push Shayla over the edge, and I feel her pussy flooding with juices, as it tightens and contracts with her orgasm. I take my mouth from her nipple and use it to help swallow her cries of pleasure. Thin motel room walls and all that. It’s only around six in the morning. I don’t want any aggravated neighbours trying to stop my fun because I am nowhere near finished yet.
Once Shayla starts to get her breathing back to normal, I place a kiss on her neck. As soon as my breath hits her skin in that extra sensitive area, I can feel her body shudder beneath me, and fuck if that doesn’t get me harder. I can’t take any more. Using one hand to fist the shaft of my cock, I swipe it up and down her slit a few times to get the tip nice and wet. Every time it presses against her clit, or sweeps past her waiting hole, she yelps, followed by a deep groan while she claws at the skin on my back. I would be very surprised if she doesn’t draw blood soon.
“Are you ready for me to fuck you?” I ask, trying to go a bit slower and ensuring she is happy with the way things are developing. I keep reminding myself that just because she has a few good sexual experiences with me, that doesn’t erase the years of shit she has endured at their hands, or the countless episodes of sexual abuse that she hasn’t even talked to me about. I want her to know I’m different. That I will always ask for permission first, and that no matter how fucking turned on I might be, I will always stop if she tells me to.
“Yes, fuck me. Please.” Her breathy moans are literally music to my fucking ears. I take a few deep breaths to try and get control over myself, but the feel of her warm, wet folds against the tip of my dick is overwhelming.
Moving a lot slower than I thought I was capable of, I push my long length all the way in until I’m seated to the hilt. Shayla releases the breath I hadn’t realised she was holding before tilting her pelvis and begging me for more. I’m only holding still to give her time to adjust, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. It’s nothing at all to do with the fact that her pussy feels so good I could blow my load straight away, if it wasn’t for the deep breaths that help me gain control back. But her begging for me to move, to fuck her, becomes too much, and I’m only too happy to oblige. My cock pistons in and out, and she raises her hips to match every stroke. Hooking her legs over my shoulders, I use my body to tilt Shay slightly, creating a new angle that allows me to plough into her even deeper. It’s not long at that angle before I can hear her moaning and groaning, begging to come. When my cock is at its deepest, she responds with a yelp, as though I am reaching that elusive spot not many men are able to find. But, as her pussy begins to tighten and spasm, her orgasm taking full control, I can’t help but have my moment. That one all men who find their girl’s G-spot have, that moment of celebration where they feel superior to all other men. The fact that we made our girl come from our cock alone. If that’s not a fucking man boost, I don’t know what is. I’m not even going to lie when I say I try to focus on that moment to prevent me from falling over that cliff with her.
The way her pussy is gripping my cock, like it’s in a vice, it is overwhelming, and I am so close, but I don’t want it to end just yet. Once Shayla has come down from her orgasm, and she isn’t as floppy and relaxed, I quickly flip her over so that she is on her hands and knees. Once she is in the right position, with her ass in the air, her chest pressed against the bed, and she is safely holding herself up, I waste no time plunging my cock back into her soaking wet hole. The groan that rips out of her as I bury myself deep almost matches my own. I want to take it slowly, to take full advantage of this beautiful position, but I can’t.
Fisting her hair into one of my hands, I pull back, arching her back fully, and use my free hand to control her hips. I begin pistoning in and out, speed increasing each time. The sound of her ass smacking against my pelvis, my balls slapping against her clit, fills the room, along with both of our moans of pleasure. Each time I use my hand to pull her back to meet my thrusts, but after a while I realise I don’t need to because she is doing it anyway. She is using her arms and her body to push against me hard, making things feel so much better. It also frees up one of my hands, and I have the perfect idea of what I want to do with it.
Shayla’s cries of pleasure are becoming more frantic again, and I know she is getting close to another orgasm. I can’t deny I am too fucking close as well. So, I waste no time implementing my plan. I bring the index finger on my free hand to my mouth, sucking hard, making sure it is completely covered with spit. Once it is, I move it to her forbidden hole. The one that is puckered, waiting for me.