“Did we…” He leaves the question hanging in the air, and I just giggle.
“Did we ever. In fact, technically it was twice, and then we both passed out. I think we had a bit too much to drink, Charles,” I joke, as I climb out of bed, letting him see my naked body with his cum plastered across my tits. “See, you left your mark,” I say, pointing to the cum, and the hickey he has left on my left breast. My stomach rolls just thinking about it. I guess it will fit in with all the other bruises.
Whitlock laughs, and then groans as he holds his head. “I've definitely had too much to drink, but I’m glad we had fun. My security will see you out.” He dismisses me without a second glance, which suits me. I dress quickly, gathering all my things together, holding on to my phone like it’s a crown jewel. I don’t really need to, Kellan will have extracted all the information by now, but just in case.
I turn to say goodbye to Whitlock, playing the role right to the very end, but he has already grabbed his phone from where I placed it on his bedside table. Seconds later, Kayden, the security guard, begins to escort me out. Once we are out of the bedroom, and I have shouted a goodbye to Whitlock that falls on deaf ears, I play the disheartened, rejected girl for Kayden.
“I’m sorry, Miss. I have to check your bag before you leave.” He sounds sad, like he genuinely is sorry he plays any part in this. I practically throw my bag over at him, playing the petulant teen.
“I’m never going to hear from him again, am I?” I ask, allowing tears to well in my eyes.
“No, but that is a good thing. Here, take this, and get a taxi home.” He hands over a fifty-euro note, far too much for a taxi ride. I guess it’s my payment. Fuck, is that all I’m worth to Whitlock?
I take the money, and with a small smile I head to the lift. Once I’m in there alone, and the lift is going down to the ground floor, I can’t help the very small little happy dance I do, knowing Kellan is watching. I can't believe I have pulled this off. Now, I just need to get home.
I walk at a quick pace straight out of the hotel, and down the road, before turning down the alley. Another two turns and my bike will be waiting for me. Just before I make the final turn, someone grabs hold of my arm and presses me against the wall. My heart races as I let out a panicked yelp. There is no security here, I’m on my own, and this guy is a lot bigger than me. As he pushes me against the wall, light from a nearby street lamp flashes over the shadow, revealing Jamieson.
“What the fuck?” I splutter as I try to push him away.
“Relax, Shay. I am just trying to make sure you are okay? Are you?” he asks as his eyes scour every inch of my body. Thank fuck I used the alcohol gel in my bag to get rid of the cum on my chest, that wouldn’t have been a good look.
I don’t know at what point his gaze stops being one out of concern, and morphs into lust. But I can feel the heat, and I see the way he bites his lip, trying to stop himself from saying something he shouldn’t.
“I’m fine, Jay. You can relax,” I say, trying to use his old nickname to help.
“There's no way I can relax in this monkey suit,” he grumbles, causing me to laugh.
“I happen to think the suit looks good on you.”
“Not as good as that dress looks on you.” There’s that fire again. I think it has always sizzled between us, but nothing will ever come of it. We live two very different lives, or at least we are about to.
“I fucking did it, Jay. I got the info. I just have to get it from Kellan, and you can hand the drive over to the Reapers, and I’m done.” My joy should be contagious, yet that’s not what happens. Just the mere mention of the Reapers and he freezes.
“For just one moment, I almost forgot about all that. For just a second, it was just you and me all over again,” Jamieson mumbles. I try to console him, but I don’t know what to say.
“Jay, I—”
“Forget it, Shayla. Pres told me that if your mission is successful then you will be expected to report to the compound…” He looks down at his watch, and I’m shocked to see it is after four in the morning. “It’ll have to be tomorrow now, for Sunday lunch. You will be expected to stay for four weeks as agreed and then you will be granted your freedom.”
“Whoa, I thought he agreed to lower that to two weeks?” I cut in angrily.
“It was never voted on at Church. Besides, he will only argue that because you missed your Friday night commitment, you forfeit.”
“How the fuck could I have met my Friday night commitment if I was here, doing this?” I yell.
Jamieson groans, dragging his hands over his face in frustration. “Look, you know how your dad’s mind works. If he wants you to do the full month, that’s what you will do.”
He’s right. Whatever Pres wants, he fucking gets. But, I get one more night with Kellan before my life goes down the shitter for a month. I guess I need to find out if Kellan will be waiting at the other side. What will I do if he isn’t? I’m not even sure it matters. All I care about is that I am fucking free.
Watching Shayla go up into that hotel room from the lift security camera, watching as he placed his hands all over her, it literally boiled my blood. I don’t think I have ever gotten jealous over a girl before, yet, here I stand, considering if I could get away with storming in and blowing his fucking head clean off. I almost laugh at myself; that’s a move made specifically for Liam. I watch the flanks from the safety of my keyboard. Although, if I needed to, and I’m talking really needed to, I could kick down some doors.
I know I was expecting her to honey trap him, hell, I taught her how to do most of the plan, but I still didn’t like seeing it in front of my very eyes. I also didn’t like the fact that this guy confirmed she was underage—fifteen is the precise age I used on her social media—and he still pressed ahead. I’m sure Liam will have a special bullet waiting for this guy when he finds out.
If I thought watching the action in the lift is hard, not being able to see or hear anything is even fucking worse. Once the security guards step out into the hallway, that’s it. Shayla is on her own, and each minute that ticks by, I’m sure I can feel myself going greyer. The anxiety is crippling me. Thankfully, not too long a wait later, I see her begin activating the apps I installed on her phone. Other than these apps, nothing works like a normal phone would. I don’t want any phone companies being able to track or trace her whereabouts. When this guy finds out this information, that he works just a little too hard to keep safe, is gone, he will be out for blood, and the first place he is going to look is the young girl he took to his bed.
When all her social media is gone, and there’s no evidence that she even exists, he will double back. First he will have forensics sweep the room for her DNA or print, but by that point, the room will have already been cleaned by the hotel, which wouldn’t matter much at all since we have paid a maid to hand over the key first thing and a full UV light disinfect will be completed before he even realises his drive is compromised. Or at least that’s what I hope. So, next he will go looking for an image of her, anywhere in the hotel, but when that comes back with nothing, he will look around nearby neighbourhoods since he knows she lives close by. When he comes up with no images, nothing he could run through an independent facial recognition software, he will begin to realise what has happened. This girl is not a girl. She’s a woman, a ghost, and she sure as fuck played him. My job is to make Shayla a ghost, and I am stripping her from all official and unofficial cams as I speak.
A beep coming from my other computer screen drags me away from scrubbing, and I see that Shayla has finished transferring the files, she is now working on corrupting the memory stick using the virus I created. Given the amount of data that is still flowing from her phone to my computer, it could take a few minutes. But she has time before the ketamine starts to wear off, I think.