“Whoa, fuck off, Liam. I don’t need a lecture from you. You don’t know Shayla. She is tougher than you think. And I know it’s a risk with the Reapers, but I took on that risk when I agreed to help her. I can handle it.” At first, I shout down the phone at my best friend, until I remember that Shayla is asleep just a thin wall away, and you can definitely hear through these things. So I settle for an angry whisper.
“I know you can handle it, Kel. Because to you this is just sex, but what about for Shayla? If she has been through as much as you say, surely she is going to have strong feelings towards men who show her the kindness she isn’t used to. You are fast becoming her saviour, Kellan. And people in Shayla’s position often become attached to their heroes. You are going to break that poor girl's heart.”
I let the words sink in, and I feel like scum because I know he is right. I want to help Shayla, I want to be there for her, and I really, really wanted to fuck her. But I know that by doing those things, I would look like the hero compared to all the villains in her story. That’s the problem, I’m the villain in disguise.
Yes, I’m attracted to Shayla, and given the opportunity, of course I would fuck her again. But do I want to settle down and be with her forever? No. I’ve never felt that for anyone, and after being deserted by everyone in my life except Liam, I’m not sure I will ever trust anyone enough for that. Even though I told Shay this, I’m still not convinced she really gets it.
“I love how you assume I don’t want a relationship,” I snap back sarcastically. Just trying to change the subject.
“Kel, the day will come when you will fall in love. Of that, I am sure. But this is not the girl. You will know when it is. Until then, of course there is nothing wrong with letting your cock run the show. Unless the girl is vulnerable or there’s a fucking crazy biker gang involved. In that case, you need to stop listening to your dick and use your brain. Okay?” Liam replies.
Just as I’m about to reply, I hear a faint ringing on Liam’s end of the line. He tells me to hold on for a minute while he answers it. With the exception of this encrypted phone, he always goes into a digital blackout after a job. He only has one other line active, and it’s the one I have been waiting for.
I hear him talking in short, sharp sentences, but he is too far away for me to work out exactly what he is saying. When he returns to our conversation, he says the words I have been waiting to hear. “Your job is happening now. The target is fuelling up his jet. He lands in Ireland at around four this afternoon. The flight plan he has submitted shows he’s requested two return flight options, so that’s not helpful. He is either staying for just one night or three. Our source says he is unsure. It turns out he booked the hotel room late last night, and so his security will already be in the room now. He booked it for five nights, so that’s no indication of how long he is staying. I don’t think he wants anyone to know. To be sure, the job will have to go down tonight, or you could miss your chance. Are you prepared?”
My mind is whirling as I take in all the information Liam has just given me. Fuck, if I had been doing my job last night instead of fucking Shayla, I wouldn’t have missed him booking his hotel. It would have given us a significant amount of extra time to work on the plan. Fuck, I can just imagine Liam doing his best to hold back the ‘I told you so’ that will be singing in his head. I can’t blame him, I would have been singing it out loud. I’m so pissed at myself.
“Of course we are ready. I’m pissed, I shouldn’t have missed this. It would have given us more time. I really dropped the ball on this one, Liam,” I say, regret seeping in every word that passes my lips.
My free hand running through my already scruffy hair, thanks to Shayla’s hands while she was clutching me for more, I want to groan or scream in frustration. This is why I don’t normally mix business and pleasure. I’m here to do a job, nothing more. I missed out on valuable time because I was preoccupied.
“Listen, Kel. You have got to let that go right now. Even if you made a mistake, so what. What matters is that you know now. You have less than ten hours to get everything prepared and ready to go. You will only get one shot at it, and if anything goes wrong, that girl will die. She hired you, not only to keep her out of prison, but to keep her safe. Now, for the love of God, do your fucking job. Understand?” Liam doesn’t really shout. Hell, he barely raises his voice, but his stern, demanding tone isn’t hard to miss.
Of course he is right. He’s always fucking right. I may be prepared, but that doesn’t mean Shayla is. Obviously, we have spent the last couple of weeks going over the plan, talking it through, but I have never asked her how ready she feels. And there are a few technical elements we haven’t practised because I thought we would have more time.
“Thanks, Liam. I really needed that. Do you know anyone who could supply me with some Special K, and get it to me in the next couple of hours, without it looking suspicious?” I ask, remembering I had forgotten about one of the most important parts of the plan.
With a groan down the phone, I hear Liam shuffling about and buttons pressing. “You will owe me big time for this, but it is better than asking the Reapers. Fuck knows what they cut their K with. You will probably end up killing the wanker. Okay, so I’ve just texted Finn. He will be with you in a couple of hours.”
My mouth literally drops open as I hear who Liam has turned to for help. If he has contacted his brother, Finn, then that must mean that the drug is coming from his dad, Desmond Doughty. Liam has spent a long fucking time getting away from any kind of life featuring him, and that’s why I am so shocked he would turn to him now.
“Liam, are you sure? I thought you wanted nothing more to do with your family,” I state, unsure of what exactly I could say.
“I have been texting Finn a little recently. He’s doing a job for Dad, and I think it’s starting to help him see his true colours. The fact that he is willing to literally use and abuse everyone to get what he wants. And let’s be honest, it’s bad enough having that crazy fucker running Limerick, but to give him control of the London underground crime scene would be a massive disaster. We all know that. Well…all except my brothers. But, I’m hoping that will change soon. Finn will get you what you need, and he will keep it to himself. As far as Dad knows, it’s for a friend of Finn’s. Not unusual, he has been known to sell to kids at the college.”
“You have no idea how many things are wrong with that sentence, Liam. Fuck, no matter how much time I spent there growing up, your family do not get any less fucking crazy, do they?” I say with a chuckle, and thankfully Liam reciprocates. His family are always a weird discussion area, even now.
“I know. I mean, there’s no way to make Dad any less crazy or power-mad. So, the only thing I can do is hope I can get my brothers out before it’s too late,” he replies sombrely. He sounds genuinely regretful, and I know why. We have talked about this before.
“Look, you can only do as much as you can. Finn, he will take time, but he doesn’t want this life. That is painfully clear, but he is afraid. You can save him, I know that for sure. But I know that’s not the brother you are worried about. Evan may be a miniature version of Desmond, but that doesn’t mean he is beyond reach, Liam. I think it will take a lot, but the day will come when he questions the hold his dad has over him, and when he does, you will be there to show him a better life. Okay?” I say, although I know he can hear the uncertainty in my voice, as my words towards the end start to come out sounding a bit shaky. We both know Evan is too far gone. That little prick has become a walking doppelgänger for Desmond, and he has already done things we know he can never recover from. He was earmarked from birth to take over from Desmond, and he has followed in his shadow the whole time. He had one wobble at the end of his school year, where we all genuinely believed he would throw away his whole future in the family business to follow his childhood sweetheart, Tiegan, but then at the last minute, he stayed. She went without him, and he has never been the same since.
“Yeah, I know. Anyway, I better go so that you and Shayla can get on. Remember to prep thoroughly, and make sure she doesn’t put herself in any undue danger. And please, for the sake of my poor, shattered nerves, stay out in the field. Do not break the plan or go after Shayla if things go sideways. She knows the risks and is willing to take them. Plus, she has the Reapers’ backing. I need you out of prison,” he croaks, sounding far too emotional at this time in the morning.
“Get some sleep, bro. You’re sounding like a fucking girl!” With a little laugh, serious Liam disappears and is replaced by the version I know and love.
“Asshole. Talk to you when this is all over and done with, yeah?” he asks, not really needing to confirm anything.
“Talk later, Liam. Lie low. I’ve got this,” I say, hanging up the phone.
As I stand and head towards the interconnecting door, holding my phone in my hands, I take a big, deep breath to centre myself and put on my game face. This is going to be a long fucking day. But there’s one more call I need to make, and I need to do it in private because I know Shayla won't approve.
Pulling up the number I stored on my encrypted phone, but have never used, after hovering my finger over it for a few seconds while I go over all the scenarios in my head, I quickly press the dial button. I don’t want any chance to chicken out. Thankfully, I don’t have to wait too long. The ringer only sounds out twice before a rough, gravelly voice answers.
I want to chuckle at how gruff and rude he sounds, made even worse by the fact that he can’t possibly know it’s me calling. Not only because I have never called him before, but because I’m using a signal and number scrambler. There will be absolutely no form of technology available, particularly the basic screen caller ID section, that is telling him who is calling. Plus, he sounds like he barely has his eyes open, which means he answers everyone like this.
“Morning to you too, Whiskey. It’s Odin,” I reply, ensuring I use both of our code names. This is all about business, after all.