I ask her about where she dreams of traveling and her shop, and after she tells me about that, I ask her the question I’m dying to know the answer to. “What are you going to do if Grant asks you to come back to him?”
She snorts out a laugh. “Tell him to go fuck himself.”
When I’m silent, she lifts her head and searches out my face in the darkness. “What? You think I’d actually go back to him?”
“I know you said you don’t love him?—”
She cuts me off. “I don’t. Do you really think if I loved another man, I’d be here with you?”
Relief settles over me. I’ve never been the jealous type, but just thinking of her with another man almost sends me into a rage. I wrap my hand in her hair. “No, I don’t, but maybe I just needed to hear it again.”
She settles her head on my chest again. “Tell me about you.”
“I think you know everything there is to know about me.”
She lets out a cute huff and runs her hand across my nipple. “Cruzzzzz.”
I laugh and put a hand over hers, holding her hand to my chest right over my heart. I wonder if she can feel it beating wildly. “Okay, okay, so let’s see. My life is sort of chaotic right now?—”
She rests her chin on my chest, and I can feel her eyes piercing me in the darkness. “If you call signing a seven-figure book deal chaotic, okay.” After a short pause, her voice thickens. “I’m so proud of you, Cruz. And don’t forget, you told me I can read your book.”
“You can. I want you to.”
Up to this point, I’d been guarded about the fact I was writing a book, but with Tara, I feel free and want to talk to her about it. I want to hear her ideas and thoughts. We talk until the sun starts to rise. We’ve shifted a few times, but she’s still in my arms, held tightly against me. My cock has been hard almost the whole time, and I’ve done my best to ignore it.
When her breathing slows and she finally falls asleep, I let my eyes close as I think about the possibilities for the future. I know this is supposed to be one day: We’re supposed to act like we’re together, attend the wedding, and then go our separate ways, but I get a knot in my stomach just thinking about it. I don’t want this to end. I want more days with Tara. I want to be the one to travel with her and show her the world. Hell, I want to watch her come alive singing karaoke. I want to do all the things, and there’s no way we can go back to just being friends now. I want more. I wonder if she wants any of the same things as I do or would she be satisfied ending this after today? I need to start slowly. Today, I’m going to ask Tara to be my Valentine.
I’m standing on the lawn of the resort waiting for Lexi to pull in. It’s brisk, and I should be wearing more than a T-shirt and shorts, but I was trying to get out of the hotel room unnoticed and grabbed the first thing I saw.
“There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
I don’t even turn when I hear Grant’s voice. He stops next to me. “Tara, baby.”
I hold a hand up, still not looking at him. “Don’t call me that.”
He blows out a breath and kicks his foot in the gravel. “Look, I messed up. I shouldn’t have cheated on you.”
I finally look at him. “Oh, is this an apology?”
“No. I mean yes, I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault.”
I laugh, and it sounds maniacal even to me. “Right, so she fell on your dick. I get it.”
He stomps his foot. “Listen to me. Your sister flirted with me. She’s the one that wanted to have sex.”
I roll my eyes. I’m not surprised. Any time I’ve had a boyfriend, Brynn has flirted with them. Grant is not the first ex-boyfriend to have sex with my sister. “Whatever, Grant. You could have said no. But whatever, it’s done, and now you’re getting married.”
“No, listen to me. She said she was pregnant?—”
I interrupt him, my hand going to my chest. “My sister’s pregnant?”
“No. She lied. I wasn’t going to leave you. She concocted it all. She made it so you’d catch us, and when I told her I didn’t want her, she said she was pregnant. I found out last week it was a lie.”
I laugh because what else can I do? Finding out how badly my sister wanted to hurt me is too much to deal with right now. “Look, none of this matters to me. I don’t want to be with you. We are over. You and my sister can do whatever you want to do, but I’m not going to be a part of any of it.”