Several more people gasp, while even more chuckle.

“Addison, stop this.” My mother steps forward, trying to calm me down.

“No, mother, I won’t. I’m tired of his disparaging remarks, and how he tries to ride your coattails. Even worse, he’s talking bad about Logan, somebody he doesn’t even know who is the best man I’ve ever known. I’m done with him.”

“I don’t have to take this. I was doing you a favor by showing any interest at all, you fat bitch.”

The music stops, people gasp, my mother’s jaw drops, and then Logan steps in front of me, seething.

“What the fuck did you just say?”

I hold on to Logan’s arm to hold him back. I don’t know Logan well enough to gauge how he’ll respond. He’s the laid back sort, but with how protective he is, I wonder what he’ll do to defend me. The last thing I want is to be posting his bail because I don’thave the funds to do that, but I’ll sell everything I own to make sure I do.

“No, Logan. It’s okay. It’s not the worst thing he’s said about me. It’s fine.”

“What? What else has he said about you?”

“Nothing, it’s not important. It’s fine.”

“It’s not fucking fine.”

“Logan, why don’t you take Addison and get out of here.” My father says as he walks in between Logan and Mason. “She doesn’t need to be here for this.”

Logan clenches his fist as he glares at Mason over my dad’s head.

“Please, Logan. I don’t want Addison to deal with him anymore.” My father pleads. It seems to be the right thing to say. And Logan steps back, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“Come on, beauty, let’s get out of here.”

I don’t say anything. I keep my head down and let Logan guide me out of the gala. Nobody says anything, which I appreciate and snuggle in closer into Logan’s side after he wraps my coat around me.

“I’m not ready to go home yet,” I say. The moment I’m alone, I’m going to think about everything that happened and my mind is going to play it over like a loop and I don’t want to do that yet.

“Okay, how about we grab some pie?” Logan reaches over and rests his hand on my thigh, and I laugh.

“Yeah, pie sounds good.”

Logan turns on the blinker and heads toward the diner we met at yesterday. We’re going to be extra dressy for a diner, but I don’t mind. Chocolate silk pie is screaming my name, and some more alone time with Logan is the whipped cream on top.

Chapter 8


Every ounce of mycontrol is maxing out, as I want to head back to the gala and pound Mason onto the ground. I can’t believe the asshole had the audacity to say that to Addie, let alone in front of the whole medical community and her parents. The prick deserves a lesson with my fists.

It’s not the best way to handle the situation, and Reginald was right. It was best to get Addie out of there, but it doesn’t negate the fact that I want the guy’s head on a stick.

“You know what? I’m going all out. I want a slice of chocolate silk pie and banana cream pie. Want to share with me?” Addie turns from the server to me. She’s putting up a great front, buther smile isn’t reaching her eyes and making them shine like normal, and I hate it.

“Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll also have a decaf.”

“Can I get some hot cocoa?”

“Sure thing, anything else.”

We both shake our heads and we thank the server as she leaves to get our things. The diner is quiet, with only a few booths filled. Nobody paid any attention to our attire. They’re in their own little worlds, which I’m happy about. Addie needs no more unwanted attention.

“So tonight was eventful.” She forces a chuckle and I shake my head at her.