Page 11 of Tied


Entering the busy lobby, there’s a line at the customer service area—three wide per line. I don’t have the patience for that tonight, not after everything. Starting for the door, hoping I can find something to do in the area, I’m almost out when I hear, “Did you need something, Mr. Rock?”

Turning, I find a staff member greeting me with a brilliant smile, bright face, and gorgeous blue eyes. Je-sus!

“Yeah. It’s been a rough day in the conference.” I grimace. “I need to get out of here for some fun.”

“And what would be listed in that?” He’s not sarcastic about his question, and it’s not said with anything other than helpful intentions.

“A club.”

A light, almost giddy look crosses his face as he asks, “What kind of club? Dance? Book? A social club?” Giggling in a manly way, he adds, “How about a five iron?”


“No. Not a golf club.” I blow out an exasperated breath. “An adult club.”


“No. Decidedly not.”

He grins. “So, you need a woman to slake a bad mood?”

Looking at him, unsure of how to state what I want without saying it out loud, I say quietly, “Decidedly not.”

“Well then, I know the perfect place.” Moving towards the door, he raises his hand over his shoulder, motioning me with a finger wiggle to follow.


Stepping up behind him, I check out the view. Other than those piercing eyes, his body is contained and lovely. His pants are tight in just the right places, showing his shapely legs that beautifully end at an ass that could hold a quarter as he walks. His hips are made for gripping.

I train my eyes to the floor. “Too much to drink tonight…too much to drink,” I grumble as I step up to the revolving door that leads outside.

It seems I mumble a lot when I’ve been drinking.

Hailing a cab with a quick whistle, I pop out of the tight space. Revolving doors and I are not best friends, it’s a sardine like fit. Stepping out, waiting for the advancing cab on the curb, the man leading turns from me to take a call. “One second, Mr. Rock.”

I find it rude for him to ask me to follow him then take a call, but he’s offered to find me something to do so I’ll wait as asked.

Hanging up his short-lived call, he walks back over with a mile wide grin, not to mention the dimples I could eat. “I have the perfect place for you to go. Would you mind if a friend of mine joined you? It’s by invite only, and he’ll be able to get you in without any issues.”

I find myself interested and scared at the same time. He has me going someplace, and he’s sending me with a ‘friend.’

Why am I even considering this? Oh, I know. I need arms around me and a cock pounding into me for a few hours of bliss.

“How long until your friend is here?” I ask.

Turning around, the gentleman smiles. “He’s here. Hey, Tyler.”

I have a bad feeling I know who Tyler is. Looking over my shoulder at the door, it’s the very same Tyler Marshall from today’s conference.

“Hey, Troy.” Greeting his friend with a double kiss on the cheek, I watch the interaction, slightly jealous.

“This is Governor Chris Rock. Mr. Rock, this is my friend, Tyler Marshall. I believe you might have met today.” He directs his question at his friend. “Would you mind taking him to Dangereux?”

The man gives him a deflated look. “I wasn’t planning on going in tonight, Troy. Why don’t you just call Rush? He’d get him added.”

“Rush is training tonight. Cami is at the bar, but she didn’t answer my text. Please?” he pleads sweetly, flashing those deep set of dimples again.