My little sister is taking the motorcycle world by storm, just like my little brother. The two of them are devils on two wheels, just like I’m a devil on a board. Give me snowcapped mountains and I’m satisfied. And that’s why I’m alone. I need the cold, they need the heat.

“Yeah. I saw Dad won another one, too.”

“You know, you should go visit soon. Isn’t Wyatt’s nineteenth birthday coming up?”

Shit. I should send him a card, or a stripper gram. That would piss of Mother. “Yeah. I’ll give him a call later.”

“You have a break in a few weeks, so why not go visit? Give him a present in person.” She’s always trying to repair the rift, but nothing ever will. We’re just too different, and the past has ruined us all.

“Call the chopper, I’ll head out in a few.”

Knowing I’ve just shut down on her, Aunt Janie purses her lips and walks away. I don’t even have to look because that’s what she always does.

I wish I wasn’t alone. I wish I had my family, but it was torn apart long ago, and I’m not the one to fix it.