Page 31 of Warrior's Cross

Using hot pads, Cameron carefully lifted the lasagna from the stovetop and set it on the trivet.

Julian chewed on his bottom lip, for once not making eye contact as he frowned thoughtfully. “I suppose it’s hard to find common ground with a man you don’t know,” he offered.

Cameron nodded slowly. “Is there... is there something beyond the fact that you liked to watch me?”

Julian raised his head and met Cameron’s eyes again. “At first?” he asked. “No. Youwerefun to look at,” he admitted with a smile that said he might still be fun to look at.

Cameron’s eyebrow jumped, although Julian had already said something along those lines earlier. “And then?” he prodded.

“You weren’t afraid of me,” Julian said promptly.

Confusion crossed Cameron’s face. “Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?”

Julian shrugged slightly. “Some people are,” he admitted.

Cameron considered that, tipping his head as he recalled Julian dressed all in black and towering over him. And the gun. “I guess I can see that,” he admitted. “You could look sort of intimidating, if I’d met you somewhere else, maybe. Hadn’t occurred to me, though. Not in the restaurant. I mean, in general, like leaving with a stranger after admitting no one was waiting for me, and then the gun, yeah. That’s scary. But not you specifically.”

Julian smiled weakly and nodded.

Concerned, Cameron set down the spatula and leaned one elbow on the counter, peering at Julian. “It hurts you,” he said in realization.

“What does?” Julian asked as he unconsciously placed his hand on his chest again.

“People being afraid of you. Maybe even... lovers being afraid of you?” Cameron asked softly.

Julian raised his eyes and met Cameron’s with what might have been hints of surprise and sadness. They were gone just as quickly as they had come. “Maybe,” he acknowledged at a whisper.

“Have any of themnotbeen afraid of you?” Cameron asked, meaning the lovers. His heart hurt for him.

Julian studied him searchingly for a long moment. “Can I include you in that answer?”

Cameron swallowed. “Iama person,” he said.

Julian smiled slightly and nodded. “You are,” he affirmed as he continued to look into Cameron’s eyes. “Then just the one,” he added in answer to the question.


“Lover,” Julian corrected.

Cameron blinked, amazed he’d pried that answer out of Julian, but the implication really bothered him. “I’m your only lover who’s not been afraid of you?”

Julian nodded silently and shrugged. Cameron frowned in sympathy. How could anyone be afraid of a man who had turned out to be so gentle? Was Cameron just missing something? Was there another part of Julian he hadn’t yet seen? Was it the gun people couldn’t get past? He couldn’t believe that.

“How do you stand it?” he whispered. “Don’t you have anyone?”

Julian gave his head a slight jerk in answer and smiled. “A few people.”

Cameron relaxed a bit and nodded. “Good,” he said as he stepped over to the refrigerator to pull out a bowl of tossed salad and a bottle of dressing. “Everyone should have someone.”

Julian gave a small smile and shrugged in embarrassment.

Cameron frowned. “What about the restaurant?”

“I go there to see Blake, not eat the food,” Julian admitted. “And then it became to see you. Because I don’t like the cranky bastard all that much,” he added with a laugh.

Cameron’s jaw dropped. “You don’t like the food? But why eat? Why not just see Blake and leave?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Julian pointed out. “It’s...” He trailed off and shrugged. “The scenery is much better.”