Page 10 of Cameron

“I better go. I need to help Tara set up the Christmas tree decorating,” she said, pulling her hand from his and rising from the chair. “Before the wedding, I’d like to talk to you some more about how the Burnett Dude Ranch is successful. What are your plans for tomorrow?”

With a shrug, he gazed up at her. “I think I’m going horseback riding.”

“Be careful, Mr. Burnett,” she said. “Riding in the snow is much different from riding in Texas. Don’t go too far. Besides, we are expecting a storm in the next few days.”

“I’ll be careful,” he said. “Please call me, Cameron.”

It was better that she called him Mr. Burnett. It kept a wall between them, but she really didn’t want that wall there.

“Cameron, take one of the hands with you,” she replied. “That way you won’t get lost. Everything looks the same when it’s covered in snow.”

“Of course,” he said. “And let’s talk again. We obviously share a common love for our ranches.”

Maybe that was what drew her to him. Because she loved the Mistletoe Ranch. She’d do everything in her power to save this land she loved.

“I’d like that,” she replied as she walked away.

Glancing about the room, she didn’t see her brother. Where was Edward? This was the most important week of their life and yet, she seldom saw him helping. And tonight he was nowhere in the room. Once again, he’d disappeared.


Cameron had not stayed to decorate the Christmas tree last night. Instead he’d gone to his room and done as much research as he could on the Mistletoe Ranch. He’d also sent his cousin Tucker an email and asked the status of the report. Yes, he was pushing him, but he really needed that intel before he could make a decision.

This morning, he’d had breakfast and then searched everywhere for Edward. The man had not shown up for their ride and while Cameron had contemplated going out on his own, he’d decided to wait to see if he could speak to the accountant.

He’d noticed an additional set of offices off the back of the barn and he wondered if that’s where their bookkeeper’s office was.

Wandering in that direction, he noticed construction workers were busy trying to get the cupola for the bell hung on the barn. If this was his ranch, he would be right in there helping the workers and making certain that the bell was hung correctly. Edward was nowhere to be found.

Not only had the man not been there for their riding date this morning, but he wasn’t here making certain that none ofthe workers took a big chance or were injured while doing dangerous tasks.

Skirting the area, he found the office he was looking for.

The name on the door said Casey Anderson. She was a family member. Samantha did say she had one cousin who worked on the ranch.

“Hello,” he said.

“Hello,” she replied, looking up from her computer. “Are you lost?”

“No,” he said, knowing she would never show him the books without Edward’s permission. Had he left word for her to let him see the accounting numbers?

“Did Edward contact you about letting me see the books?”

“Yes, he did,” she said. “He told me you were friends in college and that you’re a CPA who might have some suggestions for us.”

The man had lied again. Cameron was not a CPA. He didn’t know the first thing about accounting except that he looked at the balance sheets his own CPA gave him to let him know how his business was doing.

“I’ve prepared for you a report on our last month. This month, because of the wedding, our expenses are even higher. I’ve just taken over the books at the request of Samantha. There’s some funny things going on here that I have yet to figure out. I’m working with the banker,” she said.

She handed him a printout that he glanced over. Their expenses were extremely high compared to what his own properties ran. What would cause that?

As he glanced through the report, it seemed they had exceptionally high feed bills. Was that because of the winter? In Texas, their feed bills were not near this high.

“Edward is always bringing me bills from the LaGrange Feed and Supply store in town. I’ve never seen bills so high,” she said.

“Me either,” he said staring. “I think I’ll drive into town and pay them a visit.”

“You’ll miss the sleigh ride,” she said.