“It had to be you, Aster. Your death shifted the path of destiny for you and your target. The love you seek is within Hudson. The love he pined for is within you. You’re aware of the love bond, yes?”
“Yes. Do I just… ask him?”
“Your heart will guide you. Trust it.”
“I will.”
Abigail steps forward, reaching for my hand. I take hers, gazing down at her, surprised by the touch.
“Brave Chaser.”
“She speaks?”
Even Farnsworth appears surprised. “Rarely, and only to those she deems safe. Consider yourself one of the few worthy, Mr. Charboneau.”
“Thank you, Abigail. You can visit sometime and meet my dog, Otto.”
She nods happily, her pigtails bouncing.
“Go,” Farnsworth says. “Enjoy your mortal. You never know when the next assignment will come.”
“Thanks, Farnsworth.” I turn to walk toward a nonexistent door. “Oh, right. How do I?—”
Farnsworth flicks his wrist, and I’m falling again, but the landing this time is much softer. At least there’s that.
When I open my eyes, I’m on the floor in the living room. Hudson and Otto hover over me. Hudson smiles.
“You’re back.”
“Told you.” I cough, pulling myself upright slowly. “It’s over. The Horror, and Chester, are gone forever now.”
Hudson’s eyes turn glassy. “It’s really done?”
I nod, reaching out to cup his cheek. “It’s really done.”
He throws himself into my arms, almost knocking me over. Otto wiggles between us, barking and jumping up to lick my face.
“I have so much to tell you,” I whisper, holding Hudson tight. “But right now, I want this.”
I glance up to see the house spirits and Crash gathered behind the couch. They seem peaceful, like the stress of recent events has left them too, and a wave of ethereal acceptance washes over me before they dissipate before my eyes.
“What can I do for you?” Hudson whispers. “Coffee? Food?”
“Just this. It’s enough for now.”
Chapter 33
Isit on the edge of the bed, waiting as patiently as possible for Aster to get out of the shower. He insisted he smelled like rotten eggs, but I didn’t notice. I’m too busy processing the fact that this nightmare is finally over. I can feel it too. The house feels different. Lighter. The way it felt the day I walked in before I bought it. It called to me, and now, it’s welcoming me all over again.
I wish I was relaxed but I’m not. I want to tell Aster how I feel about him and ask him to keep me. There’s no way I want to move past this without him, whatever that looks like. In my heart I know he has feelings for me too, I saw them in his eyes, but what if he’s too afraid to try? He’s new at this whole soul chasing thing. It could be overwhelming to him to navigate it with me in his life too. I don’t know what I’ll do if he’s not ready.
Maybe I’m the one getting ahead of myself. Just because I’ve never felt so safe and seen before doesn’t mean Aster feels the same. I barely know him when you break it down. Sure, we spent an intense couple of weeks together, but do we reallyknoweach other? Can I believe what a stack of cards ‘told’ my sister?
I squeeze my eyes closed and blow out a slow breath to calm my racing thoughts. I’m gonna send myself right into a panic attack.