Page 64 of Restrained

I can feel him still smiling. “Thanks. I’ll work on her for tonight, but she doesn’t trust him.”

“I know.” I release him. “But she should get to know him.”

“Why do you trust him so easily, Lols? You don’t trust anyone.”

I think about that fact. “Why were you drawn to Penelope that day at the playground? You guys brought her home for dinner even though she was a complete stranger from across the tracks.”

His shoulders lift. “I don’t know. I just felt a connection with her.”

“That’s how I feel with Hayden. I don’t know what it is about them, but I feel safe with him.”

“Even though he lied.”

It’s not really a question, and I nod. “He was scared. Our father is a son of a bitch, but their mother was evil.”

He nods curtly, his smile fading when I mention their mother. “Yeah, she was.”

“He wanted to see if Penelope was anything like their mother. He wanted to get to know her from a distance.”

“Like a true stalker.”

I nudge his arm. “Stop it.”

He chuckles. “I’m happy for you, Lols. I mean, I wish it were anyone but Penelope’s maybe brother, but you seem different.”

“I am. But I'm still me.”

“Ah, the fixer.”

I stare at him, thinking about Asher’s words last night. “You think that I overstep my boundaries too?”

His eyebrow quirks up cautiously. “Who else thinks that?”

“Asher. And, you dick. ‘Whoelsethinks that?’ So, you do?”

He pulls me into another hug, kissing the top of my head. “You want everyone to be okay before they actually are. You’re a fixer. And I fucking love you for it.”

I hug him back begrudgingly, but also so damn thankful for my brothers. “I love you too. Please try your best to get her to come to dinner tonight.”

“I’ll try. You know Penelope. She’s fucking stubborn.”

“Fits right in.”

“I want to meet this guy though. So you can bet your ass I'll be there.”

I roll my eyes, give him one last squeeze and push him away playfully. “You better be nice. I really like him.”

“I can tell. I will. Unless he hurts you or P.”

“He won’t.”

We say a quick goodbye, and I head back to my house, hoping like hell I'm doing the right thing.

I’ve never let anyone in like this before. I’ve never trusted anyone I wasn’t related to so fast.

It would destroy me if I'm wrong.