“So using this rich prick’s money is somehow different?”
I nod my head. Penelope grew up with nothing. She was a foster kid who had to scrape by until she moved in with us when she was a teen. Still, I feel uncomfortable discussing money with her when I've been so privileged. “Yes. At least we’ll earn it.”
She nods her head as if she understands, although I know she thinks I'm insane. Maybe I am, but I already hate that I've used my trust fund to get us started. I also truly hate that Hayden West was right and the money is running out quickly. She’s looking in the direction of the dining room where Vivienne is helping Baz set the table, keeping her voice low. “How is she?”
Penelope is truly an amazing person. Baz is the product of infidelity. Technically, she was with my brother Colt when he and Vivienne conceived Baz one night at a high school party. Most women wouldn’t be able to stomach being near the other woman, but Penelope doesn’t seem to blame her, nor is she bitter.
She’s happy with Linc. I think that factors into it tremendously. “Not great. I haven’t talked to her much, but I don’t think Asher took it well when she left.”
“I can’t imagine he would. Has he called?”
“I don’t think so. But he will. He loves Baz more than himself, which is kind of a miracle with him.”
She smiles knowingly as we join Baz and Viv at the table, me carrying the salad. “That looks lovely.”
Vivienne’s smile is beautiful as she wraps an arm around Baz, and I laugh. “You’re kind.”
Linc barges in the front door of my house, because why not? He’s my brother and I love him, but he’s an ass. “Please tell me dinner is ready.”
I roll my eyes as he tips Penelope’s head back and gives her an upside-down kiss hello. She rights herself as he takes a seat. “Ask Vivienne, she’s the chef.”
Vivienne blushes slightly as she stands. “I’ll check, and I am definitely no chef.”
Linc greets Baz, and I smile when Baz climbs up on his lap. Vivienne lights up when she walks into the dining room with a pan of delicious smelling chicken.
“Wow. That looks amazing.” Linc stands up, leaving Baz on his chair, clearing a spot on the table for her to set it down. “Sorry, Viv. I would have carried it in.”
She waves him off. “It’s totally fine.”
We all sit down for dinner, but I notice Vivienne is checking her phone nervously, and I have to ask.
“You okay?”
Startled, she places her phone next to her. “Yes, sorry.” Her eyes dart to Baz, who’s sitting next to Lincoln in his own chair, and then meet mine. “Asher is going to call in an hour.”
The tension noticeably grows as Penelope shifts in her seat, looking over at Vivienne cautiously. “Does he know you’re here?”
Vivienne looks guilty, her eyes down. “No.” Then she looks at me. “I don’t have to tell him.”
Lincoln—whose relationship with Asher is even more strained considering Asher doesn’t approve of Penelope and Lincoln being together—growls, “I’ll tell him.”
Again, Viv looks startled, and I shake my head, standing up from the table. “No. You won’t.” Linc smiles jadedly as I focus on Vivienne. “I’ll tell him.”
She shakes her head vehemently, but it’s not really up for discussion.
“It should come from me, Viv.”
“He’ll be angry.”
I shrug and finish my wine. “I can handle it.” I grab my phone from the kitchen counter and walk out to the patio, sliding the door shut behind me and taking a seat. I dial my youngest brother for a video call and hope he will answer.
Moments later, I smile weakly when I see his face. His hair is mussed, and he looks worn out, but it’s still so good to see his face. “Asher.”
“What’s up, Lols?”
“How are you?”
“Shitty.” He’s blunt as always.