Page 47 of Forged

“Perhaps,” Callum said. “But there’s going to be a picnic, weather permitting, egg decorating, a plant exchange, and, of course, a fertility ritual. Not that kind of fertility ritual, though.” Nick looked up in time to see him wink at Bax.

The sick feeling in the pit of Nick’s stomach returned. He couldn’t give Bax any of that. He wasn’t cheery and carefree. He had a ton of cares. Two in particular.

Although a picnic and egg hunt for the kids would be a lot of fun. They could do something like that at Hawthorne House. Robert and Janice had talked about hosting an Easter Egg huntfor kids for years. Macy wasn’t old enough, but Jordan might be. He might love it.

But it wouldn’t be anything close to what Bax was used to.

“I’m pretty sure we have plans here,” Bax replied to Callum, moving closer to Nick. “But I appreciate the invite.”

“The invitation remains open,” Callum said as he packed up his things. “For you, too,” he told Lauren.

Nick glanced up briefly as the two new friends headed out of the forge together, then threw his attention back into tidying up from the morning class and beginning preparations for his afternoon class.

“I’ve been thinking about you all morning,” Bax said, sidling up close to him and slipping his arms around Nick as soon as all the students were gone.

Nick smiled tightly and hugged Bax back briefly, then wiggled out of his embrace so he could continue setting the forge to rights.

Bax’s smile dropped. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Nick lied.

He immediately kicked himself for hiding things from Bax. They were supposed to be dating. Raina had never let him hide anything when they’d been together.

He blew out a breath then turned to Bax and said, “If you want to go spend Ostara with Callum and his lot, then you can go.”

A whole flurry of emotions passed through Bax’s expression before he settled on concerned. “I do miss having a coven,” he said with a nod. “But if you’re worried, even for a second, that there could even be a hint of a possibility of anything between me and Callum, don’t.”

“I’m not worried,” Nick said, uncertain if it was a lie.

He put down the tongs he’d just collected and gave Bax his full attention.

“Bax, you know I care about you,” he began.

“Yes,” Bax said with deep, deep concern in his voice.

“I just worry that I’m not enough for you, that I’ll never be able to give you what you need,” Nick said in a rush.

Bax held absolutely still for a moment. He glanced at Nick, holding his gaze, but took forever to say something.

“I’d be lying if I said everything between us has been smooth sailing from the start,” he said, sending a spike of terror through Nick’s already roiling gut. He then stepped right up to Nick, slipping his arms around him, and holding their bodies together as he said, “But I love you.”

Nick caught his breath so fast and hard he nearly coughed. “You do?”

“Yes,” Bax said, his usual, impish smile returning. “I love how good and diligent you are in everything you do. I love how you care about everything and everyone, from the Hawthornes to your students to your wonderful, sweet children.”

“They’re not always sweet,” Nick said, his heart fluttering and banging against his ribs. “And I care about you, too. That’s why I worry so much.”

“Why are you worried?” Bax asked bluntly.

He deserved a blunt answer. “Because I don’t think I’m good enough for you. I have too many things going on and I’m not great at sex.”

Bax laughed. “You’re perfectly fine at sex,” he said.

“Since when has ‘perfectly fine’ ever been a compliment?” Nick asked, feeling better by the second. This was the way he wanted things to be between the two of them. This was the lightness and banter that he dreamed of when he thought about himself and Baxter as a couple.

“‘Fine’ is a stepping-stone to ‘stellar’,” Bax said, his voice taking on a sexy purr. “I know we’ll get there someday.”

“I’m just worried we won’t get there soon enough for you,” he said. “I…I love you, too, Bax, but I don’t think I’m enough for you.”