Page 90 of Always

In this moment, we are one, breathing together, in our own little universe of pain and pleasure.

“When will we go back to New York?” she asks.

“I don’t know. I want to give you some time to continue to work through things before we go back to the club.”

“Oh, I wasn’t even talking about the club. Eugenie wants to meet with me again about a new social media campaign built around some of my hashtags. I need to talk to you about—” A yawn splits her face.

“You’re exhausted, and frankly, so am I. You can tell me all about Eugenie’s new brainchild in the morning. After our soak in the tub.”

“A bath?”

I nod. “A soak will help ease your soreness.”

“I’m not sore down there. Really.”

“Not now. You’re still on a high from the orgasm. You will be sore in the morning. Trust me.” I brush my lips over hers. “Now go to sleep.”

“Mmm. Deal.” She closes her eyes—

Only to shoot them open again when her phone buzzes.

“Ignore it,” I say.

“Ha! You know I can’t do that any more than you can.”

I chuckle. “I know.”

She rummages the phone out of her purse on the nightstand. “Hey, Tess,” she says into the phone, stifling another yawn.

Tessa. A good sign. Skye and her best friend have been having issues, and I’m happy they’re working it all out.


“Yeah? Are you okay?” Skye jerks upward, eyes wide. “What’s the matter? Why are you crying?”


This can’t be good.

“Okay, okay. Calm down. What do you need?” Skye asks.




“Tess, I—”


“Okay, okay. Calm down. Where are you? I’ll come to you.”


“Did you ask him to stay?”

And a longer pause.