I rise once more and snuff out all the candles. Now the only light visible is what shines in from the Boston Harbor through the massive windows.
The scent of candle wax drifts toward me.
“Why isn’t candle play a hard limit for you?”
A valid question. I don’t keep candles in my home. I stay away from open flames. Anyone who’s been through a housefire no doubt feels the same way.
But I trust myself with candles. The fire during my childhood wasn’t my fault. It was my father’s.
I don’t fear candles because I know the damage wasn’t mine to bear. I was just a child.
Breath play, on the other hand…
“Because I’m very careful,” I say. “It’s not play that I engage in frequently.”
“You don’t allow it in the club, though.”
I nod. “I don’t allow fire play in the club. Because it can lead to significant damage if not done properly. No insurance policy would cover it.”
“Is fire play different from candle play?”
“In my mind, yes. Taper candles made from soy wax—which doesn’t burn nearly as hot as paraffin or beeswax—don’t cause much risk if handled properly.”
“Would you, then?”
“Would I what?”
“Do it for me?”
I lift my eyebrows. “You’re interested in candle play?”
“The idea of hot wax on my nipples excites me.”
“All right, Skye. For you. I’ll do it for you.”
“But not here,” she says. “At the club.”
“I agree. My bedroom isn’t set up for candle play.”
She smiles at me. “I’ve never seen a candle here before tonight.”
“I got them especially for you. To give you the romantic atmosphere you deserve.”
“And it was perfect, Braden. The whole thing was absolutely perfect.”
“Yes, it was. You were a trouper, too. I know you experienced some pain, but you relaxed and worked through it.”
“A little. I mean, yeah, it was painful. Quite sharp at first, but… I don’t know. The pain was always there, but it turned into pleasure. Kind of like when you spanked me. It was perfect in its pain. If that makes any sense.”
“You like pain,” I say.
“No. Not really. I’m not a masochist. But I like pain when it brings me closer to you.”
God, her words…