I did the right thing, damn it. She can’t be in my world if she doesn’t understand herself.
And I can’t be in hers.
I’m not wired for emotional vanilla sex.
My phone buzzes in my pocket.
It’s Ben. I ignore the call and gesture to the barkeep for another shot. Instead of downing it, though, I sip it, let it trickle over my tongue with its smoky caramel flavor.
It’s early for drinking, but the bar is hardly empty. People around me are engrossed in their own conversations, their laughter muffled by the soft jazz playing in the background. Time seems to slow down, and I welcome the respite.
I can’t always be Atlas, bearing the weight of the entire world on my shoulders.
“Get over yourself,” I say under my breath.
I hardly bear the weight of the world, but I do bear the weight of a multi-billion-dollar company. So many people depend on me for their livelihoods. I can’t let them down.
My thoughts wander back to the meeting I walked out on—the puzzled looks on my father’s and Ben’s faces—but I push them aside, focusing instead on the bluesy notes wafting through the room.
My phone buzzes again.
Again I ignore him, but just as I’m about to shove the phone back in my pocket, I get a notification.
Skye has posted on Instagram.
Don’t look, Braden. Don’t fucking look.
So of course I look.
Two new posts. The first is a selfie. Her hair is down, not styled—the way I like it best, to be honest. But her eyes are bloodshot and slightly swollen, and her nose is a bit pink.
She’s been crying.
The thought makes my heart ache. Then I can’t help a small smile. She’s an influencer, and she’s showing her followers her true self. Addie would never dare to post a photo of her looking anything other than perfect.
Pride swells through me. I’m proud of Skye. She is her own person, and she owns it.
I read the caption.
Not every day is sunshine and filters. Sometimes life hits hard, and no amount of pretending can cover up the real feelings. I debated sharing this, but I know I’m not the only one who struggles. This is me, raw and real, after a good cry. Remember, it’s not about having it together all the time—it’s about picking ourselves back up, even if it takes a minute.Let’s be kinder to ourselves. Let’s be kinder to each other. #RealLife #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #VulnerabilityIsStrength #SelfLove #Healing #CryingItOut #MentalHealthMatters
If I couldn’t love her more…
I swallow the lump in my throat—along with another sip of bourbon—and look at the next post.
It’s a photo simply of her hand, her nails painted a bright pink. Damn, she has beautiful hands. So seldom has she touched me with them. I usually keep them bound.
I don’t usually want to be touched. I want to do the touching.
Some days are harder than others, but that’s when I turn to the power of pink. When the day feels heavy, a pop of color reminds me to embrace my boldest, most fearless self. This is Make Things Happen from Susie Girl Cosmetics by Susanne. It’s my secret to feeling unstoppable, even on the toughest days. #Sponsored #SusieGirl #SusanneCosmetics #MakeThingsHappen #PowerOfPink #NeonNails #FeelGoodVibes #PolishYourMood
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