“Your hard limit.”
“Yes,” I say.
“What else is considered edge play?”
“Anything that draws blood.”
She gasps. “People actually do that?”
I nod. “Knife play, gun play, fire play. I don’t allow any of that.”
“Gun play? Fire play? People do that?”
I nod.
“Is that another hard limit for you?”
“I’ve already told you that I only have one hard limit, Skye.”
She nods.
She may still be intrigued by breath play, but she understands more about herself. And she’s accepted that it’s off-limits—at least with me.
“What other kind of heavy play is there at the club?”
“There’s suspension play. Flogging and caning. Animal fetishes.”
She drops her jaw. “You mean sex with animals?”
I laugh. “Of course not. Some people like to be led around like they’re animals. Horse play. Dog play. Things like that.”
She widens her eyes. “People do that? To each his own, I guess.”
“I take it you don’t want to try that.”
“Hard pass on that one.”
“Not a problem. It’s all up to you, Skye.”
“Do you…like that kind of play?”
“It’s not one of my favorites, but I’m not averse to it if it interests you.”
“It doesn’t.”
“Fair enough. There’s sensory deprivation. I’ve introduced you to that already on a minor scale. There’s also LARPing.”
“What’s LARPing?”
“Live Action Role Playing. It’s huge in the gaming community. The club takes it to a sexual level.”
“Like Superman having sex with Wonder Woman. Stuff like that. Sci-fi is big. Sex with aliens. That kind of thing.”
“So you have a room where…”
“Where you can watch people engaging in alien sex? Yeah. Except they’re not real aliens, of course. Some of the costuming is pretty elaborate, though.”