Page 66 of Always

“And how did you feel?”

“I wasn’t thinking of it as a turn-on. I was thinking of it as a necessity. Then I had to figure out why it was a necessity.”

“And now?”

“It’s no longer a necessity. I can’t deny that I was enthralled by the concept. Part of me still is, but I can accept that it’s a hard limit for you. And I can accept that without knowing why.”

I look into her beautiful brown eyes. “Can you? Really?”

She nods. “I understand your reticence. You know me well, but once a few things click into place, everything changes. I’m not telling you that my stubborn nature will be gone overnight.”

“You wouldn’t be you, otherwise.”

“Exactly. And you like a challenge.”

“I do.”

“Knowing myself better doesn’t change the essence of who I am,” she says. “It only changes my reaction. I was a difficult kid who was a lot for my mom to handle. I’m still that way, and she loves me despite all of it.”

“I love you, too, Skye.”

She smiles. “I know. And I love you.”

“Are you sure you can give up the breath control?”

“Absolutely. I can do it because it’s no longer necessary. Admittedly, I’m intrigued by it, but I love you more than I need it.”

I finger her hair. “I’m very glad to hear that.”

She will want to know why breath play is a hard limit for me, and I will tell her.

But not tonight.

Tonight she bared a hidden piece of her soul to me, and I adore her for it.

But I’m not quite there.


“Hmm?” I kiss her forehead and sniff her hair. “Love that raspberry shampoo.”

“There’s something else I need to tell you.”

“What?” I stiffen slightly.

“Relax. It’s nothing bad, but I want complete honesty.”

“All right.”

“Addie’s sister called me.”

I jerk away from her. Why would Ben’s friend-with-benefits be bothering Skye?

“Apple? Why?”

“She offered to tell me what went on between you and Addie ten years ago.”

I stiffen. In fact, I’m rigid. I could be a statue carved in marble. So she knows.