Page 37 of Always

She heads downward to my thighs. She explores me with her hands and lips simultaneously.

Power exudes from her. Power she probably doesn’t even know she has.

I feel it as she caresses me. The power of her touch. The power of my yearning for it.

The power in…

I breathe out, clear my mind.

The power in my surrender to her.

For that’s what I’m doing. Something I never imagined.

I’m surrendering to Skye. To her touch. Relinquishing my control to her.

And in so doing, perhaps I’ll begin to know myself better.

Chapter Fourteen

She travels down my thighs, over my knees, down my calves to my bare feet, touching, kissing, pleasing me.

Then she stands, entwines both her hands with mine, and leads me to the bed.

Yes, she leads me.

And I allow it.

“You’re so beautiful, Braden,” she says breathlessly.

“No one’s ever said that to me before.”

She chuckles. “Probably because you don’t let them speak.”

I smile, again marveling at how much I’ve been smiling.

I’m letting a part of myself out tonight, a part I keep trapped inside.

I don’t yet know if it’s a mistake, but I can’t bring myself to stop what’s happening.

I don’t want to stop it.

I’m enjoying myself. Enjoying Skye’s touch. Letting her take the lead for once.

I want to understand myself fully so she can understand me.

And I want her to understand why she needs the breath control—something I will never be able to give her.

“Touché,” I finally say. “But as far as beauty goes, I’m nothing compared to you. You’re lovely, Skye, and not just on the outside.”

“Yes, I know. I’m a challenge.”

“That’s part of it, but you go deeper than that, and you knowit.”

“Thank you. I’m not sure anyone’s ever given me a more profound compliment.”

“I mean it. Yeah, you drive me wild, sometimes to anger. But it’s because you’re so provocative.”

“I provoke you, huh?”