“Besides,” she goes on, “you had an ironclad stalking case against Addison. You dropped it in exchange for half a million dollars and assurance that you wouldn’t be prosecuted for something you didn’t do. Brock Ames probably got off cheap. It would have cost him a lot more to fabricate a case against you and pay off everyone to see things his way.”
“All true,” I agree.
“So it wasn’t Brock’s money. It was yours.”
I chuckle then, shaking my head. “This right here. This is why I love you, Skye.”
“This is why you love me? Because I helped you see something you already knew?”
“Well, this and about a thousand other reasons.”
She wraps her arms around my neck. “Better.” She brushes her lips across mine.
I still haven’t told her about my mother, but this was significant for me.
“I need to get ready for my dinner with Eugenie,” she says.
I nod. “I’m sorry I can’t join you.”
“Are you sure? I really want you there.”
“I wish I could, but there’s something that needs my immediate attention.” I’m not looking forward to it, but it has to be done.
She sighs. “Okay, but I have to tell you something first.”
“What’s that?”
“I made a decision about my work with Eugenie and Susie Girlwithout talking to you first.”
I open my mouth, but she gestures me not to talk.
“Please. Just let me finish. I really wanted to talk to you about all of it, but you’re always so busy, and I think I made the right decision.”
“I’m sure you did.”
“You know what? I know I did.”
“So what happened?”
“Have you been reading Instagram posts lately?”
“I never miss one.”
Her cheeks redden. “Really?”
“Of course not. Your posts are a big part of your life, Skye. I may hate social media, but I love you. I read every one.”
“Wow.” She shakes her head. “Just…wow.”
“I’m not sure why that surprises you.”
“I suppose… I guess it doesn’t.” She clears her throat. “Anyway, I’ve been using these two new hashtags. Susieglow and simplyskye.”
I nod. “I love simplyskye. It fits you.”
“Yeah, I love it, too, and apparently so do Eugenie and the team at Susanne.” She exhales. “They wanted to buy the rights to both of them from me and trademark them.”
I lift an eyebrow. I don’t like the idea of Skye giving up any more of her creative rights than she already has.