Page 125 of Always

A brick hits me in the gut.

I’m no longer a man of my word.

I trust Skye, but that’s irrelevant. I broke my word.

But not because she goaded me into it.

I told her because I love her. Because I trust her.

If we’re going to have a relationship, there can be no big secrets between us.

Which means…I have one more to tell.

When the time is right.

“I learned some valuable things from Brock Ames that day,” I continue. “First, never take the first offer, even if the other party says it’s the only offer.”

She nods.

“Second, I learned that a man is only as good as his word. Brock kept his word to me. Addie never made any false accusations, and she hasn’t spoken of any details of our time together—”

“She hasn’t? Then how does Apple know? Betsy?”

“She most likely told Betsy before the agreement. As for Apple, she’s family and was there, so she probably witnessed a lot of what went on.” I shove my hands in my pockets. “Addie’s still a spoiled brat at heart. The stalking never stopped, Skye. In fact, it continues to this day.”

“So that’s how…”

“It’s no doubt how she knew about the nipple clamps. The anal plug. Our breakup. She’s had me watched since then. What she doesn’t know is that I’ve had her watched since I could afford to. If she steps out of line, I’ll know it, and I’ll stop it.”

“You don’t consider her knowing about an anal plug out of line?”

“My place is as secure as it gets. Yours isn’t. At least not yet. I didn’t feel it was right to have security installed in your home without telling you first.”

“Good call,” she says.

“Addie is virtually harmless. I ignore her, for the most part, but sometimes the devil on my shoulder gets the better of me. I can’t be too upset about that, though. It is, after all, how you and I met.”

She smiles. “Your comment on her coffee post. Of course.”

“The woman hates coffee. She always has. Sometimes it’s something so small like that that sets me off.”

“I get it. Honestly.”

“I’m sure you do, after working for her.”

“She knows I love coffee, and do you know she never once offered to give me the drink? She always threw it out.”

“Not surprising,” I say. “Everything’s disposable to her.”

“Except for you.” She frowns.

“Apparently. She never got over me. But it may be because of my money and status now.”

Skye pauses a moment. Then, “I don’t think so. I think she’d still be after you no matter what. But we can’t live like this, Braden. I can’t live my life knowing she’s watching every move I make.”

“She might be watching you anyway,” I say. “After all, you’re in her territory now.”

“Meaning I have you?”