“I’ve told you before that I have her watched. Why does this surprise you?”
“What’s up with the cat and mouse game, then? Why are you letting her do this?”
I draw in a deep breath. “There are things you don’t know.”
“Only because you won’t tell me.”
I feel for her. I do. She loves me, she opened up to me, and she has the right to expect the same. I’m on edge about my meeting tonight. I won’t walk into any trap without protection, and I have a pretty good idea who’s behind the texts.
“Have you considered that I may not be able to tell you?”
She widens her eyes. “What?”
I pace away from her for a moment and stare out the window in the living area. Manhattan is gray, as usual. Why do people live here? Boston is so much more beautiful.
“Braden, does she have something on you?”
I turn toward her but don’t meet her gaze.
“Why are you protecting her?” she asks. “What am I supposed to think? You won’t tell me. I can only deduce that she has something on you.”
“She doesn’t. At least not in the way you’re thinking.”
“How can you possibly know what I’m thinking?”
“I know you, Skye. You think what Betsy told you is true. You think I did something to Addison that I shouldn’t have done. You’re wrong.”
“Prove it to me. Prove to me I’m wrong, then.”
“I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you. If you will never trust me, how can you still be in this relationship?”
She opens her mouth, but no words emerge. Because I’m right.
If she doesn’t trust me, she has no business being in a relationship with me.
She promised she’d give me time like I gave her time. And now she’s welching?
“I’m sorry,” she finally says. “I promised I wouldn’t push. I do trust you, Braden. I know you’re a good man. I couldn’t be with you if I didn’t believe that.”
I stride toward her and pull her to my chest. “I know you trust me, Skye. You’ve proved that many times over. You have to trust me with this as well.”
“I do.” She nods into my shoulder.
I push her away slightly and meet her gaze. It’s time. She’s waited long enough, and she deserves to know the truth about Addison and me. “I will tell you what you want to know, but I need your promise that it goes no further than you.”
“I tell Tessa everything.”
“Not this. I can make you sign an NDA like you did for the club.”
“That’s not necessary. I won’t tell Tessa about the club, and I won’t tell her anything you don’t want me to.”
“Good. And it’s not just Tessa. You can’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you. Especially not Addie or that friend of hers.”
“The one who owns the dog supply store.”
“Betsy? She and Addie aren’t really friends.”