Page 17 of Fur-Ever Home



Connor was a wolf shifter,and Shen was a freaking dragon! I thought shifters were Hollywood creations made of makeup and CGI, not real flesh-and-blood beings.

Then, Connor shifted back to his human form and … wow. I'd never seen a sexier alpha in my life. I glanced at Shen again, wondering why he wasn't naked. He had on a pair of shorts I recognized from Connor's lost-and-found loot. Shen didn't have shoes, but the snow around him had melted. He handed Connor his shirts and shorts from the road.

I pulled Connor's corduroy pants from my bag and handed them to him. He snatched them from me so quickly, I didn't have time to avert my eyes before I saw his whole thick package on display. Even limp and in the cold like this, Connor had a sizable cock.

He pulled up his shorts, ending my fantasy.

"Like what you see?"

I met his gaze as he pulled on his pants instead of shrinking away. "It's adequate."

He laughed. "Wait until you feel my knot."

I turned away this time, not sure if I should throw myself in a snowbank to cool my face or run toward the flashing lights abouta half mile down the road. I started walking toward them, not waiting for the others to follow. Shen caught up to me first, and his completely changed appearance caught my eye.

"Where did you find those clothes?" I asked. He wore a business suit much like Connor's before he'd shredded the pants, and a pair of shiny black dress boots.

"Dragons have magic. This glamour's about all I have left after our flight, but it's enough to get a room at that hotel." He pointed to the flashing sign.

"Glamour? You were naked before?"

He shrugged. "It's easier for me to make clothes. That way, I don't have to find new ones every time I shift, unlike your boy."

I didn't have the heart to tell him Connor wasn't my boy. Despite his insistence on being my fated mate, I … wasn't. I liked him, sure, but we were complete strangers.

I felt Connor's warmth as he came up beside me. He draped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me against him. I almost choked on his bulky parka, but I found my footing and kept marching toward the lights.

"I'll go on ahead," Shen said.

"Book us two rooms." Connor glanced down at me apologetically. "We need to talk."

"No, we don't," I said. "Three rooms."

"I'll book whatever they have," Shen said before speeding away.

"He's fast," I said. "I didn't think dragons would be fast on the ground."

"Most shifters are faster than humans. Stronger, too."

I sighed. My whole life, it had been bad enough alphas were taller, broader, and stronger than I was. Now, shifters were even bigger and badder than the biggest, baddest humans? It was almost too much for my ego to take.

Familiar impotent rage filled me. I hated being small and weak. I spent a lot of time in Barclay Foods's gym, honing my muscles and improving my speed and strength. After meeting Connor, it all seemed completely futile. If Connor wanted, I would have to submit to him. I wouldn't have a choice. I was smaller, weaker, and while I could bite the hell out of him, I probably couldn't do much damage. Meanwhile he had a mouth full of sharp wolf teeth that could cut me to ribbons if I didn't do what he wanted.

I hoped our hotel room had a bathroom. I could lock myself in it until morning.

The hotel was more of a motel setup. The main office sat in the middle of an H banked by two columns. The parking lot on our side of the H was full. Inside, the lobby was empty.

"Our friend was just here," Connor said. "Shen Purefoy?"

"Yep. He grabbed the last room." The young woman hit a switch beneath her desk and the flashing "Vacancy" sign switched to "No Vacancy."

"But he got two rooms, right?" Connor asked.

"We only had one room," she said. "A scout troop is hiking up the mountain tomorrow."