Like this guy. Fuck.
When the seatbelt light flashed on again as we neared Atlanta, the beta flight attendant's voice came through theplane's speakers. "When we reach Atlanta, please check the arrivals and departures board. The storm out west has delayed flights across the country. If your plane hasn't come in yet, there's a good chance it won't leave on time. Please be patient with your gate and airline agents if you need to reschedule flights for tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" I muttered. "I have to work tomorrow to make up for today. This can't be happening."
"You're lucky," Connor said. "We're taking this plane to Denver."
How had I not noticed I was on the same plane from Atlanta to Denver? I pulled up the flight app to confirm. Yes, we would be on this flight to Denver, if it ever left Atlanta.
When the plane landed, I was overwhelmed by allergies. Someone must have reapplied the cologne with hay fever in it. I sneezed into my elbow as the flight attendant pulled my bag from the overhead compartment. I didn't blame him for steering clear of me after that.
"Enjoy our brief stop in Atlanta," he said to Connor with a lilt to his voice. That fucker was flirting.
I did not care. Nope. Not one bit. So why were the hairs standing up at my nape and my hands balled into fists again all by themselves?
I unclenched my fists and smoothed my suit before grabbing my bag handle with both hands and carrying it in front of me like a shield. I nodded to our pilots and exited the plane, not caring if Connor was coming with me or not.
"Where are you taking your bag?" he asked me as we walked through the balmy jet bridge to the terminal.
"To the restroom. And no, you can't come with me."
"I can watch it for you, if you want."
I'd never had an alpha offer to watch my bag before. It was … sweet.
No. Not sweet. Definitely not sweet.
"I need to pee and grab my winter coat. It'll be faster if I multi-task." I didn't know why I was telling him all this, but I didn't want him to think I was being a dick for dick's sake. Certainly not for his dick.
He walked with me to the bathroom, and then he leaned against the wall near the doorway. Wow, what a lean.
I hadn't been able to get a good look at him on the plane, and before that I'd been too angry. Now, I breathed in through my mouth, thanks to my plugged nose, and took him in. He was taller than my alpha pops and wider in the shoulders than my alpha brothers. When people said, "built like a brick shithouse," he must have been what they meant.
He had kind blue eyes and a white streak in his blond hair at one temple. The streak could mean he was older than I thought, but his open face and sweet expression made me think he was young. Too young.
"How old are you?" I demanded.
"Bullshit." I was twenty-nine. There was no way he still looked this sweet and innocent at thirty, even as an alpha. Surely, the world would have beaten him down at least once by now.
"I'll show you my driver's license when we get back on the plane." His professional tone made him sound like a bodyguard, but I could take care of myself.
I rolled my bag into the first available stall and — nope. Not that one. The next one was just as dirty. Finally, the third stall had a wet floor but was clean enough otherwise.
"Here." Connor handed me a wet wipe over the top of the locked door.
After the horrors I'd seen in the other stalls, I snatched it up. "Thanks."
Connor's hand was still hovering above the door when I turned around, the used wipe balled in my hand. "What are you doing?"
"I'll throw it away."
There was no trash bin in the stall, and I didn't want to litter. I handed it over.
Then, I dropped trou and plopped down, so I could pee and sort through my bag simultaneously. My coat took up half the space in my bag, so it was easy enough to yank free. In my haste, I also flung my favorite sweater right into a puddle.