Page 53 of Fur-Ever Home

While Connor and Jake discussed an app Connor had developed, I whispered, "I'm so sorry," to Pops. "I used to hate you all for talking about work at our family get-togethers. I was such an asshole."

"We're glad you're with us now." Pops patted my shoulder and steered me toward the cooler filled with bottled water and soft drinks.

I was glad, too. I'd always hated the thought of working at the bank, but now, I wanted to know what more I could do for the family company. Connor and I had plenty of time to finish our project before we both took paternity leave.

"Is that offer in Foreign Finance still available?" I asked Pops.

"Maybe." He winked. "You'll have to ask about it during your six-month review."

When he laughed, he sounded pleased, and not so much that he was laughing at me. I hugged him extra tight before we left for the evening.

We'd walked the three blocks from our home to Jake's. On the walk back, Connor took my hand, not minding that my waddle made my arms swing.

"Jeff was good tonight," Connor said. "Polite. Didn't throw a single tantrum."

"If you keep rewarding him with Connie time, he'll be a changed man by the time he's ten." Jeffrey's guests had told him all about their fabulous time with Connie. He'd even called me up the next weekend to ask if my dog friend could come over to play if he did all his chores for two weeks. The bribe worked, and we visited.

My family got to meet "Connie the dog," too. They all secretly knew about shifters, though none had bothered to share the secret with me. Pops said our family had shifter ancestors. Jake and Alex's best friend in high school had been a cat shifter, and Josie's wife, Audrey, was a badger shifter. I'd been oblivious to all the badger jokes, and I'd skipped out of their wedding reception early, before her side of the family shifted and performed a special dance.

Audrey had given birth to my little niece, Mina, in July, and this was the first family gathering they'd attended since. Tonight was the first time she and Connor had shifted together and played in Jake's backyard until the burgers were ready.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yes! Audrey is fast and strong. My wolf loved play-fighting with her."

Audrey had explained that badgers often fought larger predators in the wild. I'd worried they would take things too far and attack each other, but Connor reassured me before he shifted.

"We're still people in there, even though we look and sound like animals."

I knew that, I did, but seeing a wolf and a badger playing with my human niblings was a fantastical sight. I half-expected a musical score to pick up or everyone to burst into a lighthearted song.

I dug my knuckles into my lower back once we were inside the door. My muscles ached from standing so long.

"Here, love. Let me help." Connor ushered me to the rocking recliner and helped me lift my legs while he shoved a footrest beneath them.

My jaw cracked with a huge yawn. "I should just go to bed."

"Not yet," he said. "I have something I want to show you, but I need a few more minutes in the baby's room. Will you wait for me?"

How could I resist his expectant smile? "Of course I will."

A few minutes later, he returned for me. Instead of letting me waddle through the living room and down the hall, he picked me up bridal-style and carried me. The baby kicked from the shift in position, and I laughed. "Don't worry baby," I whispered toward my belly. "Daddy's got us."

"Daddy?" Connor grinned. "I like the sound of that."

My cheeks burned hot, and I tried to hide my face when he set me down.

"Not like that," he whispered in my ear. "We're going to be parents! We can't think dirty daddy thoughts!"

"You're baby," I reminded him.

"You're blushing because you want me to call you Daddy?" He teased.

"Don't you dare!"

"Papa." He laid a hand over my protruding belly and the baby kicked again. "See? They liked that. You're Papa." Connor grabbed me from behind and nibbled my ear. "The next time you're on top, I'm calling you Papa."

"You'll forget by then," I hoped.