Page 50 of Fur-Ever Home

"I - I'll think about it," I stammered. "Right now, I'm coming to terms with this life growing inside me."

"Take all the time you need." Pops pulled me to his chest for another bone-crushing hug. "Connor's leaving early today."

"Thanks," I said. The thought of getting behind the wheel again, even after my stomach had settled, sounded like a bad idea.

"Take your laptop," Pops said when Connor's screens went dark. "Work from home the rest of the week. You know what you're doing."

Connor cocked his head like his wolf. Even I knew Pops hated when people worked from home.

"What?" he asked when he noticed both of us staring at him. "I wished I could have worked from home through your dad's pregnancies, that's all." He winked at Connor. "You'll thank me later."

I so did not want to know what that was about … except the strange tingling in my balls said I probably already knew.



DrivingBen's little hatchback was a bit of a hassle, but I didn't mind it. I slid the seat as far back as it would go and adjusted the angle so my head didn't brush the ceiling. For once, I stayed at the speed limit and gently eased between lanes to keep Ben as comfortable as possible.

We stopped at the grocery store on the way back to the condo. I picked up some saltines and ginger tea while Ben grabbed milk and orange juice. While he walked through the junk food aisles, I searched for the pharmacy. The grocery store layout was still a little foreign to me, but I finally found the pregnancy tests.

When I returned to the cart, fully prepared to see it stocked high with cookies and candy, I found it full of fruits and vegetables instead.

"Looking at the rest made me feel queasy," he grumbled as we rolled the cart to the shortest line.

"We're going to need a bigger car," I said when we were back in the parking lot. The groceries filled the hatch and the back seat. Where was a baby supposed to go?

Ben groaned. "Don't tell Pops. He bought Jake and Matt a minivan when they had Jeffrey."

"An SUV would be nice," I said. "Or a truck." I'd never owned my own car. Starting out, I couldn't afford it. Later, I traveled so much, it didn't make sense to have a car for the few days a month I was home. Since I started working at the bank, either Ben or his family had driven me to and from work.

"We don't need another car," Ben insisted. "I quit my job, remember?"

I also remembered his dad saying he had a job in the foreign finance department, if he wanted it. That meant we'd be commuting to the same place each day. The bank had an excellent daycare on the second floor …

I was getting ahead of myself. We'd just found out Ben was pregnant. Granted, I knew Ben was pregnant from his scent, but the pregnancy test would confirm it for his human family and friends. Now was the time to share good news, not to make plans.

Ben's condo was more like a row house, but his was on the end. He shared only one wall, part of it the garage, with another property. When we reached the short driveway, he tapped the garage door opener, and we glided inside.

Once we'd carried everything inside, I gave Ben some space to take the pregnancy test. He called for me a few minutes later as I tucked noodle boxes into the pantry. I followed the sound of his voice to the bathroom.

He directed my attention to the little stick with two blue lines. "It's real."

I kissed his temple and pulled him to me. "It's real. We're having a baby."

"It's not too soon?" Ben asked.

"There's no one else I'd rather have a baby with than you."

He blinked up at me in the mirror. "Yeah. I think …" He turned in my arms and kissed me hard. He tasted of toothpaste and desperation. "I think It's time for you to mark me."

I hadn't been thinking about marking Ben until that moment, but my wolf surged to the surface, sharpening my eyesight. I could almost see our mate bond through his eyes.

"Mark me," Ben whispered again before sealing our lips together for another kiss.

I picked him up and carried him to his bedroom, where I'd stayed since that first night. I wondered if he'd gotten pregnant that night, or one of the many afterward when we'd taken turns pleasuring each other.

My wolf wanted me to hurry, to mark and claim my mate, but I unbuttoned his short-sleeved shirt and lavished attention on the bare skin underneath. I kissed down his torso until I was eye-level with his pants zipper. His cock strained behind the fabric and gave a little twitch when my knees hit the floor.