I heard Shen tinkering with something behind me, so I turned to experience the ugliest eyesore I'd ever seen in my life. I didn't know what to expect from a private jet. This one looked more like a cargo plane, if it was only big enough to carry a few crates of chickens and a life raft.
"How old is this plane?"
"It's an antique!" Shen said.
"That's not the compliment you think it is," I said under my breath. I didn't want to hurt Connor's feelings, but he looked pained anyway. Wolf hearing, I guessed.
Shen only laughed. "It'll be fine. We'll have you up in the air in ten minutes. Just gotta lube the landing gear first. Had to stop her Fred Flintstone style last time."
"Haha." Connor's laugh sounded forced. "He means the airport had to use chocks to slow him down."
"No, I don't. I mean … Oh. Human. Right. Chocks. Yep."
I didn't know what Shen was trying to hide from me, but he was the worst liar I'd ever met. Even worse than Brian "All thefirst-class seats were full so we got you a seat in coach instead" Avery. There would be no first class on this flight. No coach, either. I'd be surprised if we weren't sitting on the floor in a pile of feathers.
"Make yourselves at home." Shen motioned to the open cockpit door. "Your little human will have to sit on your lap."
That was the second time he'd called me human, as though he wasn't one.
"Are wolf shifters not human?" I whispered to Connor.
"We're human, yes, but we're shifters," Connor said. "In my old pack, there was a legend that humans evolved from wolves, but they don't remember how to shift."
"You think I'm a wolf who doesn't shift?" I crossed my arms over my chest and glared up at him.
"I think you're the most delightful human omega I've ever met," he said. "And my wolf thinks you're my fated mate."
I resisted rolling my eyes at him. "I don't believe in fate. I also don't believe in marriage."
His face crumpled like I'd struck him. He turned on his heel and made his way up the ramp to the cockpit.
I followed, instantly remorseful. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but he deserved the truth.
"You don't understand," I said to his back. "My parents wanted me to go into the family business. They run SoCal Community Bank. They wanted me to marry someone in finance and have tons of babies while my husband took my place at work."
"Your husband will run a bank one day?"
"No. I have three older siblings who will split bank ownership with me." I sighed. "But not if I'm married. Then, my share goes to my alpha husband while I'm stuck home with the kids."
"Not my omega." Connor sank into the copilot's seat and gazed up at me. "I want to be the one at home with the kids."
"What?" I stood in the narrow aisle between the two seats, hands on my hips, glaring down at his intent gaze and cautious smile. "No alpha in the history of my family has ever wanted to be a househusband."
"Well, I do." He pulled me down to sit sideways across his knees. "I've always wanted that. It's one reason why I was kicked out of my pack."
"They kicked you out of your wolf pack?" I slid my arms around his thick neck again and flattened myself to his chest for a quick hug. "I'm sorry."
"It was a long time ago," he said. "I've done all right on my own, but I've been looking for my mate. For you."
I leaned back and slid my hands back to my lap, not wanting to give him the wrong idea. I wasn't mate material.
"I guess it's lucky that I don't have to go back to Phoenix, now. I can go home with you."
Oh, no. He already had the wrong idea.