Things proceeded from bad to worse when I reboarded the plane. Someone new occupied my seat and refused to budge.
"This is my seat, ma'am." I barely got the last word out before a sneeze caught me unaware. I ducked behind my elbow and sneezed two more times.
"Oh, dear." The same flight attendant from before took my other elbow and pulled me toward the coach seats. "Your first-class seat was double-booked. I'm so sorry. If you'd stayed on the plane, you might have had a better chance of keeping it, since it's first come, first serve in these situations. Now that she's sitting there, I can't force her to leave. You know how it is."
I did know how it was. As an omega, I was constantly making room for other people, even if it left no room for me. When that alpha got back on the plane, I would ring his neck.
The flight attendant handed me Connor's fanny pack and jacket, which had been under his first-class seat. "Your friend isn't back yet, and his seat's filled, too."
Fuck that fucking fuck. "Fine," I said aloud through clenched teeth. "I'll head back to 23 D."
Why did Connor have to sit across the aisle from me in 23 C? And why did he have to look so goddamn handsome while doing it? I wanted to hate every inch of his bulky body, but something about him turned me on. I imagined him shoving me up against the side of the plane and pinning me in place.
What was wrong with me? Was I having an allergy attack, or had I contracted a brain-eating virus?
I pulled out my book, intent on ignoring him. I was just getting to the good part when my eyelids drooped closed.
I dreamedI fell asleep in a church. I'd only ever been in a church twice in my life—once for a wedding, and once for a funeral—so that was strange by itself.
What was weirder, someone wiped at my runny nose. In the dream, it was my dad, while pops glared at us both for disturbing the ceremony, whichever it was.
"Dad, stop."
"Hmm … do I like being called Dad?"
I bolted awake, accidentally punching myself in the nose while trying to push him away.
Him. Connor. Again.
"Why won't you leave me alone?" I shouted. Something sounded off about the way my voice echoed inside the rounded chamber. Then I noticed the empty seats around us.
"We're the last ones on the plane," he confirmed. "I thought you might want to clean up a bit before we disembarked."
Only he would say words like "disembarked."
"You are not my dad," I said.
"Good. I don't think I'm into that."
My face felt hot as I realized what he was saying. Daddy kink was definitely not my thing, but Connor taking care of me was kinda hot.
Not hot. Wrong message sent to my cock. Abort!
I'd missed our entire descent into Denver, thank goodness. I hated flying into Mile High City. The mountains made for a steep dive, and my ears always popped two or three times. This time, my ears didn't hurt at all, but my brain felt muzzy, the way it usually did after I took allergy, cold, or sinus medication.
"How long was I out?"
"Since you drank your complimentary drink." Come to think of it, that was the last thing I remembered. "I slipped you some Benadryl."
I turned my head toward him and studied him for a few seconds. Typical alpha male. He was so pretty, yet so clueless. "You can't just go around giving people drugs without telling them!"
I was shouting again, something I rarely did. I was complacent, quiet, brooding Benjamin. I did not yell at hot almost-strangers on empty airplanes.
"Fuck!" I glanced around us. "How long have we been sitting here? We need to make our connecting flight!"
"No, we don't," he said.
"Excuse me?"